The United States wants to bring North Korea back to the "path of dialogue" over
its nuclear weapons programme and will use diplomatic measures and additional sanctions to increase pressure on it.
After briefing senators in a highly unusual meeting at the White House on
Wednesday, Pentagon chief Jim Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and
Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats issued a statement that toned down
military rhetoric and urged the international community to help find a solution to
North Korea's nuclear programme.
President Donald Trump aims to "pressure North Korea into dismantling its
nuclear, ballistic missile, and proliferation programmes by tightening economic sanctions and pursuing diplomatic measures with our allies and regional partners",
the statement read. 
"We are engaging responsible members of the international community to increase pressure on the DPRK in order to convince the regime to de-escalate and return to
the path of dialogue," the statement added, using North Korea's official name.
An administration official said Trump attended only the first five minutes of the meeting. He delivered opening remarks before handing it over to his national
security team.
The latest move comes as tension soars on the Korean Peninsula following a series
of missile launches by the North and warnings from the Trump administration that military action was an "option on the table".
Al Jazeera's Kimberly Halkett, reporting from the White House, said a whole range
of options were discussed including using leverage by China, North Korea's main
trade partner.
"Another option is putting North Korea on the US list of state sponsors of terrorism," she said.
"We're told the priority is still the diplomatic option, trying to isolate North Korea economically, making it difficult for it to get components that may be needed for many of its military capabilities. But also on the table is the military option - the option
that is less preferred, we're told."
The briefing team was to meet House members in the Capitol later.