Saturday, December 2, 2017
Madaxweyne Farmaajo keligii ayaan lagu maamuusin inuu ku socdo roogga cas sida madaxda kale. MA GARAN SABABTU EE YAA NAGU DHAAMA?
Madaxweyne Farmaajo keligii ayaan lagu maamuusin inuu ku socdo roogga cas sida madaxda kale. MA GARAN SABABTU EE YAA NAGU DHAAMA?
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Mugabe Goes Into Farming At Rural Home
Former President Robert Mugabe is now looking forward to a new life of farming and staying at his rural home, his nephew Leo Mugabe said.
Leo Mugabe was quoted by the French news agency AFP as saying Mugabe, who resigned last Tuesday, was in good health and in a jovial mood.
“He is fine. I have been to see him, he is quite jovial,” he said.
“He is actually looking forward to his new life — farming and staying at the rural home. He has taken it well.”
Mugabe will be turning 94 in February and was forced to step down after the military intervened to stop “criminals” that had surrounded him from taking over.
Three top members of the G40 faction of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front that backed Mugabe and his wife Grace appeared in court yesterday.
Finance Minister Ignatius Chombo is facing corruption charges while youth leader Kudzanayi Chipanga is accused of publishing falsehoods.
They were remanded to tomorrow for the bail application.
Innocent Hamandishe who was youth commissar was remanded to 8 December. He is facing several counts of kidnapping.
Mugabe has assured immunity against prosecution and a hefty severance package which some reports say entitles him to $150 000 a month.
Although Zimbabweans are rejoicing at the ousting of Mugabe, critics are now beginning to question the military intervention with some arguing that the military stepped in to serve their own interests rather than those of the people although the people also benefited from the ousting of a dictator. – Insider
Friday, November 24, 2017
Soomaali waa isku mid dhankaad ka eegtaba
Soomaali midkeeda jooga Jabuuti iyo midkeeda jooga Raaskiambooni waa mid. Dhaqankoodu, Dhawaaqoodu, Dhar-xirashadoodu, Dhalaalka midabkooda, Dhaqashada xoolaha, Dhaqanka Diintooda, Carrada Dhulkooda, Dhirtooda iyo Dhammaan noloshoodu waa isku mid.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Wax walba ubax udgoon oo la dhunkada maaha! Jawaabta waxaa bixinaya mask...
Wax walba ubax udgoon oo la dhunkada maaha! Jawaabta waxaa bixinaya maska ee halkan ka daawo
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Qaabka ay Imaaraadku carruurta ay addoonsadaan uga soo gataan Bakistaan
Qaabka ay Imaaraadku carruurta ay addoonsadaan uga soo gataan Bakistaan. Carruurta dadka saboolka ah ay dhaleen ayay kaga soo gataan lacag ka yar 400 doollar, dabadeedna waxay u isticmaalaan hawlaha adag sida tartanka awrta oo haddii ay ka dhacaan oo dhintaan cidina u sheegan karin. Ma helaan daryeel aadaminimo noocuu yahayba. Adigana waxaad ka sugeysaa wax intaas ka badan. Halkan ka daawo.......
Monday, November 6, 2017
Shirkaddii Imaaraadka ee kireysatay dekadda Boosaaso iyo dadweynihii Boosaaso maxaa kala haysta (Kaftanka Siyaasadda 81)
Shirkaddii Imaaraadka ee kireysatay dekadda Boosaaso iyo dadweynihii Boosaaso maxaa kala haysta (Kaftanka Siyaasadda 81)
Sunday, November 5, 2017
W.Q. Cabdulqaadir Maxamed Walaalyo
Habka Federalka oo maanta si aan rasmi aheyn dalkeena magac-ahaan ugu suntan ’Jumhuuiyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya’ ma ahin magaca ummadda isku waafaqsan tahay amase ummadu ay rabto in dalka lagu maamulo habkaas walow ay jiraan shaqsiyaad sheegta inay madax ka yihiin gobollada oo gumeysigu sanka ka galay in habkani dawo u noqon karo dhibaatooyinka ka jira dalkeena.
Sandulleynta isticmaarka waxaa kale oo garab yaala u laaluusha gaaraya ilaa balaayiin dollar oo lagu laaluushay kuwa hoggaaminta dalka Soomaaliya xooga ku heysta oo aan haba yaraatee qabin kalsoonida buuxda ee shacabka.
Inkastoo uusan suura gal noqon doonin damaca waalan, hadane gumeystaha iyo kuwa Soomaali ah oo u shaqeeya waxaa ka dhaadhacsan oo ay rabaan in nalka Soomaaliya laga soo daaro Addis Ababa taasoo imminka ayadaba la il diran qalqal siyaaso, dhaqaale iyo bulsho.
Habka Federaalka waxaa xalaal ama xaraan ka dhigi kara kaddib marka ummadda laga qaado afti dadweyne waxa loo yaqaan ‘’referendum’’ ee Haa ama Maya Dustuurka si habkaas uu ugu dhaco xukunka shacabweynaha oo ay habka Federaalka ku dhaqankiisa ku oggolaanayaan amase ku diidayaan. Tallabaas wixii ka horeeya sharciyan waa wax kama jiraan. Federaalka hadda la sheegayo waa wax afka qalaad lagu yira oo loogu yeero dhinaca sharciga:
‘’Null and Void’’.
‘’Null and Void’’.
Waxa halka ka muuqaneysa in ummadda lagu jujuubayo oo sanka looga durayo habkaas weli dhiciska ah waxaana gar iyo gardarro garwadeen ka ah kuwa dulaal u ah gumeysiga madow ee duug ah iyo kan imberiyaaladda caalamiga ah si uusan weligii uga lug bixin arrimaha gudaha ee u gaarka dadkeena iyo dalkeena si aanan weligeyn uga bixin jahawareer siyaasaso, dhaqaale, bulsho iyo amaan.
Waxa kaloo jira kuwo iska caadifeysan oo gurdan raaca oo jidbo qabiileysan qaba ayagoo maskaxda looga abuuray wadada keli ah oo lagu sixi karo qaldaadki dalka ka dhacay ilaa 1991 uu yahay habka federaalka. Taas run ma ahin inkasto ay jireen tacadiyo badan oo ummadda isku gesatay markii ay dagaalada qabaliga ah dhex qarxeen ummadda Soomalida.
Maanta waxaa caasimada laga helayo hanti ma guurto ah oo dad badan oo Soomaali ah ay leeyihiin oo muddo ku dhow 30 sano xoog lagu heysto.
Ayadoo gumeysigu uu ka faa’iideysanyo xanuunka ummadda ka soo gaaray dagaalada qabaliga waxaa Soomaalida dusha looga keenay habka ’FEDERALKA’ oo isticmaarka uga jeedo in dalka loo kala qaybiyo imaarado taag daran oo qabiilqabiil u kala qoqoban. Ujeedada ka dambeysa uu isticmaarku arrintan ka leeyahay ay tahay: ’QAYBI OO XUKUN’.
Nin ka mid ah kuwa dustuurkan soo qoray ayaa mar wax laga weydiiyay sababaha ka dambeeya in dustuurka loogu soo daray qodobada ku saabsan awoodaha siman oo ay isla leeyihiin Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’isal Wasaraha gaar ah weliba marka laga eego qodobka sheegaya in Madaxweynaha iyo RW ay xubnaha ama xubin ka tirsan Golaha Wasiirada oo midkuu doono Golaha ka eryi karo.
Iska horimaadka halkaa ka dhasha muxuu keeni kara ayaa la su’aalay Khabiirka Dustuurka wuxuuna ku jawaabay: ’Marka horeba waa inuu Madaxweynuhu soo magacaabo RW ay saaxiib yihiin. Halkaa waxaa ka muuqaneysa in fasiraada dustuurka lagu dhameyn karo si saaxibtimo iyo musuqa nooca loo yaqaan ’ii xoq aan kuu xoqee’, ’’xeer-jajab ama haddii si kalo loo yira Soomaalidu yaaney siyaasiyan kala bixin oo qoorta ha isugu jireen weligooda halkaana uu gumeysiga ka qunsado danaha uu ku taamayay qarniyaal.
Dad badan oo sii qoto dheer u aqriyay waxay soo ogaadeen inay jiraan qodobo badan oo iska horimanaya oo kuwi sammeeyay xitaa aaney si cad oo waadax ah u fasiri karin.
Dadka u kuur gala siyaasadaha Soomaalida waxaa u muuqaneysa in fekerka federaalka uusanba markiisi hore ahayn feker Soomaali maskaxdeeda ka soo maaxday. Waxaana ka muuqaneysa in ummadda dusha lagaga keenay. Taas waxaa u daliil ah in nidaamkan uusan marin geedi (process) ay dadku sida badan raali ka yihiin marka laga tago fasirka qaladka ay ka bixiyaan dustuurka kuwa qabiilka ku qaraabanaya ee Gobollada hoggaamintooda sheeganaya oo uu shakiga ku jira iay daacada ay yihiin iyo in kale jiitaanka qarannimada Soomaalida.
Haddiiba looga jeeday in federalka lagu daweeyo xanuunka laga dhaxlay dagaalka qabiilqabiilka taas dawo ma u noqoneyso sababta oo ah muddo ku dhow 20 sano ayuu nidaamkani dalka ka dhaqan geli la’ yahay.
Waxa jira darooqooyinka badan oo kale oo xurguftaas lagu daweyn karo waxaana kow ka ah dhismaha nidaamka ’Unitary State’. Taas waxaa hore uga marag kacay Marxuum Cabdirazak Haji Hussein oo lixdameeyda Ra’isal Wasaare ka soo noqday dalka.
Eeg nidaamkan siyaasadda Guddoonka Dhexe
’’Decenteralized Unitary system’’ waxaa ku dhaqma 165 dal oo ka mid ah 192 dal oo xubnaha ka ah Ururka Qaramada Midoobay ee UNO. Taas waxaa macnaheedu yahay in 27 dal ama wax ka yar ay ku dhaqmaan habka federaalka ama hab kale ayadoo ay taas ugu wacan tahay bulshooyinkooda oo aan isku dhaqan aheyn xagga dinta, dhaqanka iyo oo si weyn u kala duwan.
’’Decenteralized Unitary system’’ waxaa ku dhaqma 165 dal oo ka mid ah 192 dal oo xubnaha ka ah Ururka Qaramada Midoobay ee UNO. Taas waxaa macnaheedu yahay in 27 dal ama wax ka yar ay ku dhaqmaan habka federaalka ama hab kale ayadoo ay taas ugu wacan tahay bulshooyinkooda oo aan isku dhaqan aheyn xagga dinta, dhaqanka iyo oo si weyn u kala duwan.
Haddii aan tusaale u soo qaadano wadamada ku dhaqma habka ’Unitary State’ waxaa ku jira Great Britain iyo Woqooyiga Ireland. Ha yeeshe Woqooyiga Ireland, Wales iyo Scotland ayaa heysta xooga awoodo ismaamul gudahooda.
Awoodahaasna waxaa oggolaado Barlamaanka dalka UK oo heysta awooda uu ku soo saari karo shuruuc, baabi’in kara amase keli ahaan ayadoon lala tashan dawladaha hoose.
Waxa jira kuwa kale oo ku dhaqma nidaamka ’unitary state’ waxaana ka mid ah Italy, Japan, dalka Shiinaha, Filippine, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Algeria, Denmark, Kasakhstan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Morocco, Uganda, Haiti, Guatemala, Iceland, Kenya iyo kuwo kale.
Tusaale: Nidaamka ’Unitary System’ wuxuu qof walba xaq u siinaya inuu dalka hoggaankiisa sare qabto ayadoo loo marayo doorasho xor iyo xalaal ah halka nidaamka Federaalka ay koox hoggaanka gobolka ay ku heli karto si xaraan ah oo u nugul ku-shubaso iyo musuq ku dhisan qabiyaala. Habkan waxaa awoodaha lagu fidin kara gobollada waase haddii ay jiraan karti xagga aqoonta ismaamulka.
Waxaa imminka isa soo taraya diidmo ama toos amase tu dadban oo ka imaaneysa xagga shacabka oo laakinse iska gaabis ah lana la moodo inay gacamaha ka laabanayaan ku dhaqanka federaalka. Xaaladdu waxay u muuqata is-mari-waa (standoff) u dhexeeya kuwa VILLA SOMALIA iyo agagaarkeeda ku xareysan iyo kuwo xoogga ku heysta gobollada. Marka dambe shirkaas wuxuu ku sigtay in lagu kala dareero ay ayadoon aaney ka soo bixin wax la taaban karo. Si la iskaga ilaaliyo weji gabaxa waxaa maanta ka soo baxay kulanka war murtiyeed aan ayadoo dhan aan bartan ku soo daabici doono.
Dustuurka wuxuu ku jira dib-u-eegis. Waxaa gacanta ku haya Wasiirka Dustuurka oo ah qofkii shalay soo qoray dustuurkan oo ay ka buuxaan qodobo is-burnaya oo weliba isku miliqsan oo ay adag tahay in la fasiro. Inkastoo hawsha la hakiyay, bal aan aragno Wasiirka Dusturka waxa ka soo baxa dib-u-eegista oo isaga hortiis loo aaminay guddiga ka tirsan barlamaanka inuu hawshaas fuliyo inkastoo la soo sheegay in guddigasi hawshiisa la hakiyay/joojiyay.
La yaabka ah in nidaam qabyo ah laga shaqeysiiyo waxaa arkay warbaahinta caalamka oo su'aalo badan ka keenay sida looga shaqeysiin karo wax aan dhameystirneyn,
Mar sii horreysay wariye ka tirsan Idaacadda Al-Jazeera qaybta afka English Peter Grest ayaa waxa uu la yaabay sida ay isugu qabaneyso dustuur KMG oo Federaal ah oo hadane la leeyahay wuxuu ku jira dib-u-eegis sidee baa siyaaso ahaan dalkan loogu dhaqi kara.
Wariyaha ayaa weydiiyay Ra’isal Wasaare berigaas Abdi Faarah Shirdoon ’Saacid’ inuu fasiro sida wadan loogu maamuli karo nidaam weli ku jira dib-u-eegis. RW wuxuu ku jawaabay sidaas ayaan ku heshiinay. Wariyaha isagoo fajacsan ayuu ku tilmaamay inay talaabada macnaheedu yahay dayaarad hawada sare laleysa oo cilla farasmo ku timi uu farsamayaanku lee yahay dayaaradd ayaan cillad bixinaya. Saas ayaanu ku heshiinay, ayuu ku yiri RW.
La soco qaybta 2aad.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Daawo: Sida uu u nool yahay nin Mareykan ah oo leh shan xaas oo is wada jecel.
Daawo: Sida uu u nool yahay nin Mareykan ah oo leh shan xaas oo is wada jecel
Monday, October 30, 2017
W.Q. Cabdulqaadir Maxamed Walaayo
Suxufi Walaayo |
Ma rabo inaan ku dheeraado taariikhdiisa Sanbaloolshe laakinse waxaan qiraya inuusan mudnaynd in hawsha sirdoonka laga casilo laakinse waxaa ii muuqaneysa in indhaha shacabka xaqiiqda dembiga meel kale loo weeciyay.
Waxaa kaloo Sanbaloolshe uu eersday maqaalka uu dhowaan ku qoray Wargeyska Caanka ah ee New York Times oo Magaalada New York ka soo baxa wuxuuna ku eedaayay kuwa bah-wadaagta Soomaaliya la ah inay ka hagradeen haqab-tirka looga baahna ee dhinaca tababar iyo qalabka baarista sirdoonka iyo nabadsugidda. Wuxuu yiri: ''Waxaan la xiriirnay jaallayasheena beesha caalamka oo ay ka midka yihiin Qaramada Midoobay, Mareykanka iyo Ingiriiska si ay shaqaalaha Sirdoonka iyo nabadsugiida u siiyaan tababar iyo qalabka looga baahan yahay sirdoonka iyo taxliilinta macluumaadka sirta iyo dembi baarista. ''Ilaa hadda wax jawaab ah oo wax ku ool ah kama hayno'' ayuu ku calaacalay.
Xogaha muhiim ka ah iyo marqaatiga dunuubta lagu galo carriga Soomaaliya waxaa loo dhoofiya oo lagu baara dalka dibadiisa anagoo na loo diiday fursadihii aan ku heli lahayn si aan dadkeena u badbaadino muwadiniinta isla markaan gacanta ku soo dhigno dhagar-qabayaasha dambiyada ka galay dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliya.
Shaqada laga joojiyay Sanbaloolshe waxaa u sabab ahaa inuu umadda u sheego xaqiiqda jirta taasoo aaney raali ka ahayn cadawga iso soo bahaystay waxyelidda geyiga Soomaaliya.
Xukuumadaha Soomaalida soo maray KMG mid joogto ah iyo xitaa Dagaal-Oogayaasha ma jirin qof madax sheeganaya oo sir cad ka bixiyay xaqiiqda ka jirta dalka iyo gacanta ay shisheeyuhu ku walaaqayaan arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya.
Madaxda Soomaalida qaar kood ayaa si cad u sheegaya in aaney dan iyo heelo ka lahayn jiritaanka iyo maslaxdda guud ee dalka iyo dadka.
Mid baa meel fagaare ah xishood la'aan ku dhawaaqaya si jeesjees ah: ''Soomaaliya hanoolaato. Waa tahay Soomaali Hanoolaato'' taasoo ula jeedo maxaa iiga galay oo iiga gidhiisha inay Soomaaliya dhimato.
Ilaahow khaa'nka ka qabo wadanigana u gargaar. Aamiin
Cabdullaahi Sanbolooshe
Somalia Doesn’t Need Tears. Help Us Fight Terrorism.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Waa luuq dhif iyo naadir ah waxayna u gaar ahayd Alle ha u naxariistee Cabdullaahi Suldaan Timacadde. Gabyaagan baase si aada isug dayay inuu soo dhoweeyo ee bal dhegeyso.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Man in a box vs Lions
Man in a box vs Lions
Friday, October 27, 2017
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Dhamaadka 2017 waxa dhici kara. Waa sadaal argagax leh, Alle ayaase uga ogaal badan.
Dhamaadka 2017 waxa dhici kara. Waa sadaal argagax leh, Alle ayaase uga ogaal badan, lamanse baciidsan karo markii aan eegno maanta waxa ay dunidu ku sugan tahay. Daawo oo yaan lagaaga sheekeyn
President Donald Trump declares opioid crisis a public health emergency
President Donald Trump declares opioid crisis a public health emergency
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Goobaha Dalxiiska Boosaaso iyo Zackwave
Goobaha Dalxiiska Boosaaso iyo Zackwave
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Jaalle Siyaad: Si aan loo burburinin ayaan uga soo baxay caasimadda
W.Q. Suxufi Cabdulqaadir M. Walaayo
Walaayo oo salaamaya AUN Maxamed Siyaad Barre (1982) |
Hobollada amaanta sida roobka ugu shubi jiray beentood ma ahayn markii ayku heesheen: ''Horta qabo Siyaad oo balmid kale ku soo dara''. Ilaa hadda ma heyno nin kale oo kabihiisa illan karay. Dalka midnimadiisa waxaa dhawacay kuwo kha'iniin ah.
Maalmihii uu Xamar ka tegay Madaxweynaha, isagoo degmada Buur-Dhuubo wareysi ku siiyay Wariye Talyaani wuxuu Jaalle Siad wuxuu afka Talyaniga ku yiri: ''In branco di Sciacalli mi hanno cacciato via da Mogadiscio per evitare di non distruggere la capitale'' oo macnaheedu yahay: ''Raxan dawoco ah ayaa iga soo saaray Muqdisho si aan u ilaaliyo in aan la burburin caasimadda''.
Anigoo ah La-Taliyaha Warfaafinta ee Safaaradda Soomaaliya ku leedahay Nairobi, Kenya ayaan waxaan ugu geeyay xafiiskiisa ee markaas ku yiil ''Aviazione Militare'' ee Muqdisho Tifaftiraha Guud ee Wargeyska Caanka ah ee maalin walba ka soo baxa Nairobi 'THE STANDARD'' Mr. George Githi. Waa ninka wejigiisu ka muuqdo dhanka bidix ee Madaxweynaha. Qiyaastu waxay ku aadanayd dabayaaqadii 1982.
Madaxweynaha wuxuu ka hadlay wanaajinta xiriirka labada dal taasoo asaas u ah, buu yiri Jaalle Siyaad, in Soomaalida Kenya ku dhaqan ayku mansab iyo maamuus ahaadaan qowmiyadaha kale ee ku dhaqan dalka Kenya.
Mar kale Ilaah ha u naxariista Madaxweynaha geeriyooday Soomaaliyana Ilaah madax wadaniyiin ah ka siiyo. Aamiin
Saturday, October 21, 2017
True Love: A 93-year-old Georgia man is showing that true love never dies.
93-year-old man eats lunch next to a picture of his late wife every day
Oct. 20, 2017 at 7:52 AM
Scott Stump
Four years ago, Clarence Purvis lost his wife of 64 years, Carolyn. But his affection for her remains on display for everyone in town to see at a daily lunch date he never misses.
Purvis takes a picture of his late wife and sets it up at the table with him during meals at Smith's Restaurant in Reidsville, where he often ate with Carolyn.
"Ain't nobody loved one another more than me and my wife loved one another,'' Purvis told local news station WTOC. "I wanted what she wanted and she wanted what I wanted."
Carolyn died at 81 in 2013 after living her entire life in Glennsville, where she met Clarence as a teenager in 1948.
She and Clarence were co-owners of Purvis Garage, and she was a mother of three, a grandmother of six and a great-grandmother of two, according to her obituary.
"Eat lunch, come back, watch television, go to bed, love one another. What more you want?" Purvis said. "We had everything we wanted.
Carruur la kortay xayawaanaad kala geddisan, yeeshayna dhaqankooda (Meelo kala geddisan dunida)
Carruur la kortay xayawaanaad kala geddisan, yeeshayna dhaqankooda (Meelo kala geddisan dunida)
Friday, October 20, 2017
In emotional interview, Gold Star parents say of Trump: 'It's not about a call or a letter'
In emotional interview, Gold Star parents say of Trump: 'It's not about a call or a letter'
The parents of a U.S. Army specialist killed in Syria in May said Thursday they hadn’t received any acknowledgment from President Trump, despite his claim to have called “virtually” all families of fallen U.S. soldiers.
But they’re not looking for a call.
Sheila and Calvin Murphy are the parents of Spc. Etienne Murphy. In an emotional interview on CNN’s “New Day” on Thursday, Sheila Murphy said through her tears “it’s OK” that she hasn’t heard from Trump, because “it’s not about a call or letter.”
“I just want people to remember my son and all the other Gold Star moms, Mrs. Johnson — all those who are grieving,” she said. “Trust me, none of us want to be in this position, and the worst thing I’ve ever been called is a Gold Star mom.”
Trump’s communication with the families of slain troops has been under scrutiny since Tuesday, when he falsely accused his recent predecessors of not calling such families. The claim was an attempt to defend his own lack of public statements about four soldiers killed in Niger this month.
The president sparked more controversy this week by publicly feuding with Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., who said Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson — that her husband “knew what he signed up for.” Sgt. Johnson was one of the soldiers killed in Niger.
Murphy, through what she called “un-get-throughable” pain, said she wrote a letter to the White House in hopes that Trump would “not forget” Etienne.
“I have no hard feelings toward anybody,” she said.
“Because it’s not about me; it’s about my child and all the other countless fallen heroes, and those still over there now and the families that are here grieving, like I am and my husband is,” she added. “That’s what it’s all about. I don’t want it to be about me or about a letter; I want it to be about my child and what he stood for, and what they are fighting for over there right now as I speak.”
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Tariikhda Nin Somali mareykan qaraxii soobe Ku dhintey oo lasoo bandhigey
Tariikhda Nin Somali mareykan qaraxii soobe Ku dhintey oo lasoo bandhigey
Maamul-goboleedyadu waxay raaceen raadadkii awoowayaashood
Sanadkii 1875-kii, Masaarida waxay isku fidiyeen Berbera iyo Harar waxaana ay maamulkooda ku sii ballaariyeen Baraawe iyo Kismaayo.
Tan iyo markii uu Ingiriisku qabsaday Cadan 1839-kii wuxuu bilaabay habkii uu ku qabsan lahaa dalka Soomaaliyeed.
Sannadkii 1883-dii wuxuu Ingiriisku awood u yeeshay inuu la wareego dekedaha Zaylac iyo Berbera kaddib markii maamulkii Masaarida lagu qasbay inay ka baxaan gayigaas.
Sanadkii 1869-kii, Talyaanigu wuxuu soo iibsaday dekedda Assab waxana uu bilaabay heshiisyo taxane ah inuu la galo shakhsiyaad Soomaaliyeed iyo madaxdii qabaailka si lacag loogaga beddesho dekadahooda.
Sanadkii 1889kii waxaa la kireeyay dekadda Kismaayo, Sanadkii 1892-kiina waxaa la kireeyay dekadda Muqdishow, kaddibna wuxuu ku dhawaaqay Taliyaanigu inuu yahay ilaaliyaha koonfurta Soomaaliya 1896-kii, sidaasna waxaa lagu galay isticmaarkii.
Markii haddaba aynu dib u milicsanno taariikhda isticmaarka iyo basarkii lagu soo galay sina ugama beddelna midda maanta dhacaysa oo ah kireynta dekadaha dhulka Soomaalida. Madaxda maamullada gobolladana wax ay og yihiin bay iska indhotirayaan iyagoo ku beddelanaya wax yaroo iyaga jeebkooda uun ku filan. Intii ay albaabbada u furi lahaayeen gumeysi dadban oo ummaddanna ay markti uga dhigi lahaayeen dal iyo hanti ay iyagu leeyihiin iney ummaddan iska sii gaajooto intii Alle uu faraj kale uga furi doono.
Waxaa hubaal ah oo aan cidina is weydiineyn heshiisyo la galay 30meeyo sano inayan gaajada, saxariirta iyo amnidarraida ka bi`ineyn. Taariikhda ha la akhriyo si loo kala garto wixii shalay la soo maray xume iyo samo.
Dekaddii Zaylac
Dekaddii Hurdiyo
Dekaddii hore ee Muqdisho |
Dekaddii hore ee Berbera
Tillerson: Waan La Xisaabtami doonnaa Millatariga Myanmar
Khamiis, October, 19, 2017 (HOL) – Xoghayaha arrimaha dibadda Mareykanka Rex Tillerson ayaa Arbacadii sheegay in gaboodfallada dalka Myanmar loogu geystay muslimiinta laga tirada badanyahay ee Rohingya ay mas,uuliyaddeeda qaadi doonaan hogaanka millatari ee dalkaasi.
Wuxuu sheegay in ay muhiim tahay in aduunyadu aysan marqaati ka noqon dil wadareedka laga soo sheegayo gobolka Rakhine.
Wuxuu sheegay in ay muhiim tahay in aduunyadu aysan marqaati ka noqon dil wadareedka laga soo sheegayo gobolka Rakhine.
In ka badan nus milyuun dadka kasoo jeeda qowmiyada Rohingya ayaa ka gudbay xuduuda uu Myanmar la wadaago Bangladesh dhowrki todobaad ee lasoo dhaafay.
Dadkan ayaa lafahooda kala carraray gaboodfallo la sheegay in ay millatariga dalkaasi Myanmar kula dhaqaaqeen muslimiinta Rohingya,
Hadalka Tillerson ayaa kusoo beegmay kadib warbixin ay qalalaasaha Myanmar kasoo saartay hey’adda xuquuqda aadanaha ee Amnesty International.
Warbixinta oo lagu saleeyay wareyso lala yeeshay in ka badan 100 ruux oo kasoo carartay gobolka ay colaaduhu ka jiraan ee Rakhine, ayaa sheegeysa in ciidamada amaanka ay si ula kac ah u toogteen boqolaal ruux oo ka mid ah dadka Rohingya, halka nolosha lagu gubay waayeelada iyo dadka xanuunsan ee aanan ordi karin ee looga tagay guryaha laga qaxay.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Babayga iyo 10 kale oo miraha ka mid ah oo heerka sokortaada simir kara
Babayga iyo 10 kale oo miraha ka mid ah oo heerka sokortaada simir kara
10 shay oo aad ku ilaalin kartid heerka sokortaada
10 shay oo aad ku ilaalin kartid heerka sokortaada
Cunnooyinka kaa dajinaya sokorta
Say Good Bye To Diabetes || Only 2 Ingredients
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Safarkii uu Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya AUN Maxamed Siyaad Barre ku tagay dalka Kuriyada Waqooyi
Safarkii uu Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya AUN Maxamed Siyaad Barre ku tagay dalka Kuriyada Waqooyi
Wareysi uu Telefishinka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed la yeeshay Aabe Cumar Xaaji Maxamed Oo Naafo ah islamarkaana laba carruur ah oo uu dhalay ku waayey Qaraxii Zoobe ,sidoo kalena ganacsi uu reerkiisa ku deberi jiray uu ka bur buray .... fadlan ku caawi wixii aad awoodo oo kala xiriir Nambarkiisa ..0615851422
Wareysiga waxaa qaaday Wariye Abdi Jeite
Monday, October 16, 2017
Des Moines City Council candidate's brother-in-law killed in Somali truck bombing
Des Moines Register
Monday October 16, 2017
By MacKenzie Elmer
By MacKenzie Elmer
People work to rescue victims on the site of the explosion of a truck bomb in the center of Mogadishu, Somalia.(Photo: Mohamed Abdiwahab, AFP/Getty Images)
Abshir Omar announced Monday afternoon that he was suspending his Des Moines City Council campaign for three days to mourn the loss of his brother-in-law, who was killed in Saturday's truck bombing in Somalia.
Omar, 26, told the Register that his brother-in-law, Ahmed Eyow, died when two bombs exploded outside a Mogadishu hotel, killing more than 300 people. It is the deadliest terrorist attack in history and one of the worst in the world in recent years.
"He was only in the country three hours. He arrived at the airport, got in a taxi and then he was at that crossing," Omar said.
Omar was born in Somalia and fled the country with his mother and three siblings to escape civil war. His father was killed in tribal violence months before he was born.
The body of 50-year-old Eyow was found in the rubble of a hotel in Mogadishu, his brother Bashir Eyow told Minnesota Public Radio.
Omar saw Ahmed Eyow recently in Minneapolis.
He learned on his drive back to Des Moines on Sunday that Eyow was among the injured in the twin blasts. He doesn't know why his brother-in-law, who married his older sister, had returned to Somalia, he said. Eyow and his wife had three children.
Omar announced on Twitter that he would suspend his campaign for three days, but he still plans to attend a previously scheduled meeting with The Des Moines Register editorial board on Tuesday morning.
That meeting — featuring Ward 3 candidates Michael Kiernan, Josh Mandelbaum and Omar — begins at 10 a.m. and will be streamed live at
The Somali government blames the terrorist attack on the al-Shabab extremist group, which vowed to step up attacks after the U.S. and Somalia’s new president announced new military action against the group earlier this year.
Al-Shabab has not claimed responsibility. Hundreds of residents marched in Mogadishu to protest against the militants.
Ambulance service director Abdulkadir Adam said more people died of their wounds Monday, as the death toll was expected to rise further, the Associated Press reported. Overwhelmed hospitals struggled to assist victims as thousands of people donated blood.
The first bomb destroyed five buildings and set dozens of vehicles ablaze, Reuters reported. Another bomb detonated in the Medina area two hours later.
Eyow fled Somalia in the 1998 and settled in Minnesota. Omar fled Somalia to a refugee camp in Kenya and, after being approved for a refugee visa, settled in Seattle.
"People see this headline and think, this is a tragedy that happened somewhere else in the world. But people who are your neighbor have lost loved ones in these tragedies," Omar said.
Austria turns sharply to the right in an election shaped entirely by immigration
Monday October 16, 2017
Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, the leader of the People’s Party, talks to reporters after casting his vote in the election in Vienna. (Christian Bruna/European Pressphoto Agency-EFE/Rex/Shutterstock)
Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, the leader of the People’s Party, talks to reporters after casting his vote in the election in Vienna. (Christian Bruna/European Pressphoto Agency-EFE/Rex/Shutterstock)
BERLIN — Austria became the latest European country to take a sharp turn right on Sunday, with the conservative People’s Party riding a hard-line position on immigration to victory in national elections and likely to form a government with a nationalist party that has long advocated for an even tougher stance.
The result puts the 31-year-old foreign minister and People’s Party leader, Sebastian Kurz, in line to become Austria’s next chancellor after a campaign in which he emphasized the need to strengthen border controls, reduce caps on refugees and slash benefits for newcomers.
Much of Kurz’s rhetoric echoed positions long held by the Freedom Party, which for decades has anchored the far right of politics in this nation of 8.7 million.
With nearly all results counted Sunday night, the Freedom Party was in third place at 26 percent, but still battling for second with the ruling Social Democrats, who had 26.9 percent. The People’s Party was the decisive winner, at 31.6 percent
“I’ll fight with all my strength for change in this country,” Kurz told cheering supporters — many clad in turquoise, the color he adopted to signal a new era for the People’s Party after decades of identification with black. “There’s a lot to do.”
Two years after Austria was among the more welcoming nations in Europe for refugees fleeing en masse across the continent, the results revealed just how sour public sentiment has turned. Hundreds of thousands of people fleeing war, oppression and poverty passed through the central European nation on their way to destinations farther north and west in late 2015 and early 2016. Tens of thousands stayed in the country and applied for asylum protection.
“Austrians are fearful because of immigration and the refugee crisis,” said Reinhard Heinisch, a political scientist at the University of Salzburg. “Kurz addressed these fears, and played with these fears.”
As in other elections across Europe this year, the far right made significant progress, but not enough to triumph.
In France this spring, National Front leader Marine Le Pen made it to the final round of the presidential election. Just last month, the Alternative for Germany Party took 13 percent of the vote — putting a far-right party in the German Parliament for the first time in more than half a century.
But unlike in those nations, in Austria the far right is expected to become part of the government. Kurz will need a coalition partner to form a majority in the parliament, and the Freedom Party is considered the most likely option.
If he goes that route, it would end a “grand coalition” between Austria’s center left and center right that has led the country for the past decade, and for much of its modern history.
“Austrians are fearful because of immigration and the refugee crisis,” said Reinhard Heinisch, a political scientist at the University of Salzburg. “Kurz addressed these fears, and played with these fears.”
As in other elections across Europe this year, the far right made significant progress, but not enough to triumph.
In France this spring, National Front leader Marine Le Pen made it to the final round of the presidential election. Just last month, the Alternative for Germany Party took 13 percent of the vote — putting a far-right party in the German Parliament for the first time in more than half a century.
But unlike in those nations, in Austria the far right is expected to become part of the government. Kurz will need a coalition partner to form a majority in the parliament, and the Freedom Party is considered the most likely option.
If he goes that route, it would end a “grand coalition” between Austria’s center left and center right that has led the country for the past decade, and for much of its modern history.
The Freedom Party, whose first leader was a former SS officer and whose current leader was a onetime neo-Nazi youth activist, has been in government before; it teamed with the People’s Party for five years starting in 2000. At the time, the European Union imposed sanctions against Austria to show its displeasure with a government that included a party long relegated to the fringe.
But in a measure of how far Europe has shifted to the right, no one is contemplating sanctions today.
Freedom Party backers were in a jubilant mood Sunday night, eating schnitzel, dancing to Austrian folk music and waving flags at the party’s election-night celebration. Heinz-Christian Strache, the party leader, said the results proved that “our message has reached the mainstream.”
That was evident not only in the party’s results, but also in the influence that it had over its rivals, who adopted many of the party’s positions as their own.
But in a measure of how far Europe has shifted to the right, no one is contemplating sanctions today.
Freedom Party backers were in a jubilant mood Sunday night, eating schnitzel, dancing to Austrian folk music and waving flags at the party’s election-night celebration. Heinz-Christian Strache, the party leader, said the results proved that “our message has reached the mainstream.”
That was evident not only in the party’s results, but also in the influence that it had over its rivals, who adopted many of the party’s positions as their own.
Kurz, who would be the world’s youngest head of government, frequently boasted that as foreign minister he had closed the Balkan route for asylum seekers in the spring of 2016 by shutting Austrian borders to new arrivals. He has promised to pressure Europe to do the same now with the central Mediterranean route, the main path for migrants and refugees seeking to enter the continent.
“If there’s one topic that really dominated the campaign, it’s migration and integration,” said Sylvia Kritzinger, a political analyst at the University of Vienna. “Especially with Kurz, it always came back to immigration. We had very little discussion of the issues beyond that.”
The Social Democrats, the traditional party of the center left, had attempted to shift the debate onto friendlier terrain by emphasizing the robust health of the economy during their decade in government.
The party on Sunday appeared to have avoided the distant third-place finish that some polls had projected, with its tenuous hold on second place representing a modest surprise.
“If there’s one topic that really dominated the campaign, it’s migration and integration,” said Sylvia Kritzinger, a political analyst at the University of Vienna. “Especially with Kurz, it always came back to immigration. We had very little discussion of the issues beyond that.”
The Social Democrats, the traditional party of the center left, had attempted to shift the debate onto friendlier terrain by emphasizing the robust health of the economy during their decade in government.
The party on Sunday appeared to have avoided the distant third-place finish that some polls had projected, with its tenuous hold on second place representing a modest surprise.
But Sunday’s result is almost certain to end the chancellorship of incumbent Christian Kern.
In an interview with broadcasters Sunday evening, he said the Social Democrats were “not thrilled with this result, but we can live with it.” He ascribed the party’s challenges to forces that are buffeting center-left parties across the West.
“We’ve seen a move to the right in this election. It’s not a time that favors social democrats,” he said. “We’ve seen that in all of Europe.”
Kern hinted that the party would be willing to serve in a coalition government. But analysts consider such a possibility unlikely given the rightward tilt of the electorate — as well as the bad blood that developed between the two establishment parties after a scandal involving fake Facebook pages that smeared Kurz and were attributed to a Social Democratic operative.
In an interview with broadcasters Sunday evening, he said the Social Democrats were “not thrilled with this result, but we can live with it.” He ascribed the party’s challenges to forces that are buffeting center-left parties across the West.
“We’ve seen a move to the right in this election. It’s not a time that favors social democrats,” he said. “We’ve seen that in all of Europe.”
Kern hinted that the party would be willing to serve in a coalition government. But analysts consider such a possibility unlikely given the rightward tilt of the electorate — as well as the bad blood that developed between the two establishment parties after a scandal involving fake Facebook pages that smeared Kurz and were attributed to a Social Democratic operative.
The elevation of Kurz to chancellor would put another young and charismatic leader at the helm of a European government, after the election of 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron in France.
Kurz, though ideologically to the right of Macron, modeled much of his campaign after the Frenchman’s. The Austrian politician styled his run for the nation’s highest office as a movement, not a conventional election, and personalized his party, informally renaming it “the Sebastian Kurz List.”
Kritzinger said Kurz’s opponents were flummoxed by how to counteract the charismatic People’s Party leader, who took the reins in the party this year and promptly remade it as his own.
“From a rhetoric perspective, he’s an absolute talent,” Kritzinger said. “The other parties didn’t know how to deal with him.”
Kurz, though ideologically to the right of Macron, modeled much of his campaign after the Frenchman’s. The Austrian politician styled his run for the nation’s highest office as a movement, not a conventional election, and personalized his party, informally renaming it “the Sebastian Kurz List.”
Kritzinger said Kurz’s opponents were flummoxed by how to counteract the charismatic People’s Party leader, who took the reins in the party this year and promptly remade it as his own.
“From a rhetoric perspective, he’s an absolute talent,” Kritzinger said. “The other parties didn’t know how to deal with him.”
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Ivory Coast: 4 killed as cargo plane plunges into sea near Abidjan
Ivory Coast: 4 killed as cargo plane plunges into sea near Abidjan
Saturday, October 14, 2017
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