Monday, July 31, 2017

Waxaa is waydiin leh sida markii hore ay ridu madaxa ula gashay xarigga ...

Waxaa is waydiin leh sida markii hore ay ridu madaxa ula gashay xarigga korontada

Hooyo Naxariis Badan oo Ilmo lasoo tuurey Ey ka Bad baadisey

Hooyo Naxariis Badan oo Ilmo lasoo tuurey Ey ka Bad baadisey

Qalab dadka indhaha la` u sahlaya iney carrabkooda wax ku arkaan, waa Ilaah mahaddii

Qalab dadka indhaha la` u sahlaya iney carrabkooda wax ku arkaan, waa Ilaah mahaddii (Deeqdarajo)

Kenyan election IT head Chris Msando found dead

Monday, July 31, 2017

Chris Msando said the electronic voting system he had helped develop could not be hacked

The man in charge of Kenya's computerised voting system has been found dead just days before the 8 August elections.
Chris Msando, an electoral commission IT manager, had gone missing on Friday.
"There was no doubt he was tortured and murdered," said IEBC chairperson Wafula Chebukati.
Tension is high as the presidential election is expected to be a close race between incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta and long-time opponent Raila Odinga.
Police said on Monday that the bodies of Mr. Msando and an unidentified woman had been found in the Kikuyu area on the outskirts of Nairobi and taken to the city mortuary.
"The only question in our mind is who [killed him] and why he was killed a few days to elections," Mr. Chebukati said.
Kenyan newspaper The Star reports that Mr. Msando's body was found with one arm missing.
Shock and disgust
Dickens Olewe, BBC News, Nairobi
Today was supposed to big a day for Chris Msando - he was to oversee the public testing of the voting system which has been vaunted by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) as key to eliminate vote rigging and to deliver a credible election.
The Kenya Integrated Electoral Management System (KIEMS) will be used to identify voters and transmit results.
A similar electronic system that was used in the 2013 election failed spectacularly, leading to manual counting of votes which some have argued allowed for voter manipulation.
Mr. Msando had only been on the job for two months, having taken over after his predecessor was suspended for refusing to cooperate with an audit firm which was cleaning the voters' register.
His death will do little to assuage growing concerns about the IEBC's election preparedness and questions about its credibility.
On Twitter, his name and #RIPMsando are trending, with many expressing shock and disgust at what to them looks like a targeted elimination.
This news also comes at a time when the government has denied allegations by opposition parties that it is planning to deploy the military to swing the election in its favor.
With only a week to the election, this is no doubt another testing time for Kenya and it can only emerge from this tense moment by holding credible elections and arresting and prosecuting Mr. Msando's killers.
Some fear there could be violent clashes between rival supporters after the result is announced, with the losers refusing to accept defeat.
However, few expect the type of violence which killed more than 1,200 people in ethnic, post-election violence 10 years ago.
Following the clashes, the International Criminal Court charged President Kenyatta and his deputy with instigating violence, but the charges have since been dropped due to a lack of evidence.
The government has denied ICC accusations that its witnesses had been intimidated to prevent them from testifying.

Tirada Ardayda Soomaaliyeed ee dhigata Jaamacada Harvard oo kor u sii kaceysa

Isniin, July, 31, 2017 (HOL) - Ardayda Soomaaliyeed ee wax-ka-barato Jaamacada Harvard oo ka mid ah jaamacadaha ugu wanaagsan dunida ayaa kor u sii kaceyso, xilli arday badan oo deeqo waxbarasho helay ay sannadihii danbe ka imaanayeen Soomaaliya.
Macallimiin Soomaaliyeed, ayaa sidoo kale ka mid ah barayaasha daruusaha ka bixiyo Harvard oo kaalmaha hore oga jirto heerka kala sareynta jaamacadaha adduunka.
Dr Saciid Aadan waa Macallin Soomaaliyeed oo wax ka dhigo Jaamacada Harvard gaar ahaan Waaxda waxbarashada Maraykanka iyo Afrika.
Dr Saciid oo Harvard wax ka bartay, ayaa bilaabay macallinimada jaamacadaan sannadii 2013-kii, isagoo haddana ka tirsan waaxda barashada dhaqanka iyo luuqadaha Afrika oo inta badan lagu diyaariyo ardayda Soomaaliyeed ka hor inta aysan qorin buuggooda qalin jabinta.
Saciid, ayaa sheegay in Luuqada Soomaaliga lagu dhigo jaamacada Harvard oo ardayda Soomaaliyeed ee wax ka barato ay ka mid yihiin kuwa aanan waligood Soomaaliya arkin, kana kala yimid wadamada ku yaallo Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo qaarada Yurub.
Dhinaca kale Cabdifitaax Cabdi Xuseen waa wiil Soomaaliyeed oo 20 sano jir ah, kuna dhashay Xaafada K3 ee Xerada Qaxootiga Xagar-dheere oo ka tirsan xerooyinka qaxootiga ee Dhadhaab Kenya.
Cabdifitaax oo Mareykanka la keenay isagoo sannad jir ah, ayaa hadda wuxuu ka mid yahay arday Soomaaliyeed ee wax ka barato jaamacada Harvard qeybta barashada Cilmiga Sayniska kombiyuutarka (Computer Science) oo uu bilaabay bishii August sannadkii 2015-kii.
Wiilkaan iyo walaalkiis ka weyn oo lagu magacaabo Jamaal Cabdi Xuseen, dhigtana Jaamacada BU (Boston University) waxey dadaal badan oo ay sameeyeen ku muteysteen iney ku guuleystaan deeqo waxbarasho oo ay ka heleen hay’adda samafal ee BMGF (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) oo uu maal-galiyo aas-aaseen Shirkadda Microsoft ganacsade Bill Gates.
Cabdi Xuseen Aadan (Cabdi Yare) oo ah Aabaha dhalay Cabdifitaax oo 2019-ka, ka qalin jabin doono Harvard, ayaa ii sheegay in dadaal badan oo ay sameeyeen carruurtiisa ay u sahashay iney ku guuleystaan tartamo badan oo aqooneed.
Dadaalada joogtada ah iyo iscaawinta qoyskaan, ayaa u horseeday iney guulo dhanka waxbarashada ah gaaraan carruurtooda sida uu ii sheegay Cabdi Xuseen oo mid ka mid ah Kelyihiisa ogu deeqay Hooyada qoyskaan Soomaaliyeed oo lagu magacaabo Xabiibo Cusmaan ahna hooyada dhashay Cabdifitaax.
Waalidka qoyskaan oo ka kooban 7 wiil iyo gabar ayaa is guursaday sannadkii 1985, waxeyna ka soo carareen magaalada Muqdisho 1992 xilligaasoo ay yimaadeen xerada qaxootiga Dhadhab ee Kenya. Halkaas oo ay ku noolaayeen muddo lix sanno ah ka hor inta aanan Mareykanka loo soo qaadin 1998.
Dhinaca Ardayda Soomaaliyeed oo badankoodu wax ka barto qeybta taariikhda, ayaa Afar sano ka hor Jaamacada Havard waxaa dhiganaayay labo arday oo Soomaaliyeed. Balse hadda waxaa lagu qiyaasay tiro ahaan iney gaarayaan illaa toban arday.
Qaar ka mid ah Ardaydaan oo deeqo waxbarasho helay, ayaa waxey ka yimaadeen Iskuulka Abaarso ee Sayniska iyo Cilmiga farsamada oo ku yaallo meel 18 km dhanka galbeed ka xigto Magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta Somaliland.
Ardayda ka timid Abaarso, ayaa lagu amaanay iney si fiican u yaqaanaan Afka-Soomaaliga ayna aad ugu fiican yihiin waxbarashada.
Sidoo kale Iskuulada ku yaallo Soomaaliya qaarkood, ayaa la tibaaxay iney la tartamayaan goobaha waxbarasho ee Mareykanka marka la fiiriyo dhanka waxbarashada.
Jaamacada Harvard oo ku wanaagsan cilmiga ganacsiga, ayaa waxaa ka soo baxay madaxweynayaashii ugu badnaa ee Mareykanka soo maray, waxaana lagu ammaanaa waxbarashadeedu iney tahay mid aad u sareeyo madaama ay oga duwan tahay jaamacadaha kale dhanka tayada waxbarashada. Iyadoo marka horaba la tilmaamo iney xulato ardayda wanaagsan iyo Barayaasha heerka sare ka gaaray waxbarashada.
Harvard oo la aas-aasay 1636 ayaa xarumaheeda waa weyn waxey ku kala yaallaan gobolka Massachusetts ee dalka Mareykanka, waxeyna ka mid tahay Sideeda {8} Hay’adood ee gaarka ah ee tacliinta sare ee Maraykanka oo la isku dhaho (IVY), lana aas-aasay sannadii 1954.
Najah Mohamed Ali, Hiiraan Online
Atlanta, Georgia – Mareykanka

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Saturday, July 29, 2017

US Ambassador urges for peaceful Kenya elections

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Kenyans will be going for elections on August 8 in high stakes elections in what is seen as a tight race between incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta and longtime Opposition leader Raila Odinga. PHOTO/Muthoni Njuki.

NAIROBI, Kenya July 29 – US Ambassador to Kenya Robert Godec has urged the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to ensure next month’s general election is credible.
He was speaking when he joined the Shining Hope for Communities, a Non-Governmental Organization in advocating for peaceful elections during a peace procession in Nairobi’s Kibera slum.
“It is very important that these elections be free, fair, credible and peaceful it’s good to see the people here in Kibera joined by other people in the country to commit themselves to peaceful elections,” said Godec.
Locals who spoke during the peace caravan urged Kenyans to respect the outcome of the poll and not to accept being used by politicians for their selfish gains.
“At the end of the day politics will go and people will remain and when caught in a scuffle a politician will not rescue you can be caught, you can be hurt or even be killed and it's only your people who will cry for you so am begging the people of Kibera to maintain peace during and after elections am also asking the politicians to stop inciting people to fight,” said Hassan.
The event was organized by Kennedy Odede who is also the founder of Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO).
“This is the message that Kibera is speaking we are peaceful and we want peaceful elections and we believe that the elections will be credible so all these people here have come to show the world that we are one and we are not going to be divided by politicians I want to tell our people that election will come and go we want to remain, one family, as we have always coexisted,” said Odede.
Kenyans will be going for elections on August 8 in high stakes elections in what is seen as a tight race between incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta and longtime Opposition leader Raila Odinga

Friday, July 28, 2017

Women Involved in Altercation in Fargo Walmart Parking Lot Come Together

By TJ Nelson
Friday, July 28, 2017
FARGO, ND — The women at the center of a racist rant caught on a cell phone in the Walmart parking lot Tuesday night have come together at the Fargo Police Department.
Chief David Todd met with Amber Hensley, Sarah Hassan and Leyla Hassan.
He said all three women have expressed regret regarding their interaction and language with each other.
Todd said the incident that went viral on social media shows that we have some things to work on as a community and individuals.
In the video, Hensley was recorded saying “We are going to kill all you “f—–g Muslims.”
She claimed the women in the car started the altercation by parking too close and calling her a “fat b—h”.
Hensley was fired by her employer on Wednesday.
Chief Todd said despite words being said that cannot be taken back, forgiveness and understanding can still be achieved.
Here is his full statement:
The incident that happened at the Walmart parking lot and then went viral on social media shows we have some things to work on as a community and as individuals. The vast majority of us, if we look to the past of our grandparents, great grandparents or those before them – we identify with their heritage and have some pride in it. I, for example, have a mother that came across the ocean on a boat from Sweden and my father’s family came from Ireland.
Others in our community have the heritage that goes back to the Far East, Middle East or to Africa and have that same pride in holding on to pieces of their heritage. We are all a little different and that is okay, in fact, it’s good – if we strive to understand each other, accept each other and respect each other. If we do that, our diversity can make us stronger as a community.
Unfortunately, incidents like what happened this week and the social media commentary following it can cause further division and set us back from the progress we are trying to make as a community.
However, I want to put before you an example of what can be accomplished even though mistakes were made and unfortunate words were said. Amber Hensley, Sarah Hassan and Leyla Hassan have all expressed regret regarding their interaction and language with each other.
With an openness to reconciliation, these women have come together and talked through this incident and expressed their sincere regrets, apologies and most importantly – forgiveness to each other. This process has also allowed them to gain understanding and respect for each other.
Not everything is perfect in this resolution. We have some ugliness in our community that needs to be addressed and worked on. Social media shows us that… However, perhaps we can all take a lesson from what was an ugly unfortunate interaction and how even despite words being said that cannot be taken back, forgiveness and understanding can still be achieved.
I want to thank these women for allowing us to facilitate their interest in getting together in order to work through this for the betterment of themselves and our community.
Chief David Todd

Khayre oo ka yaabiyay ciyaalka xaafadda sida uu kubbad u xakumayo.

Khayre oo ka yaabiyay ciyaalka xaafadda sida uu kubbad u xakumayo. .

أحمر بالخط العريض حلقة صادمة عن العنصرية في لبنان .. لن تصدق حقارة بعض ا...

أحمر بالخط العريض حلقة صادمة عن العنصرية في لبنان .. لن تصدق حقارة بعض ا

Midowga Yurub oo mashaariic ka fulinaya qeybo ka mid ah dalka

Jimco, July, 28, 2017 (HOL) - Midowga Yurub ayaa sheegay in mashaariic la xiriira wax ka qabashada arrimaha Abaaraha uu ka fulinayo guud ahaan dalka, si loo badbaadiyo dadka ay saameeyeen Abaaraha dalka ku dhuftay.
Safiirka Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya Veronique Lorenzo oo shalay gaartay magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegtay ujeedka ay u tagtay magaalada Baydhabo in ay tahay sidii halkaasi ay uga bilaabi lahaayeen mashaariicda la xiriira wax ka qabshada Abaaraha ee uu fulinayo Midowga Yurub.
Waxaa kaloo ay sheegtay in ujeedada mashruuca Midowga Yurub in uu yahay sidii uu u caawin lahaa dadka ay Abaaraha saameeyeen, iyada oo sidoo kale sheegtay in waqti dheer ay ku fakarayeen sidii ay uga hortagi lahaayeen oo ay wax uga qaban lahaayeen Abaaraha, sidaasi darteedna ay si dhow ula shaqeynayaan dowladda federaalka iyo maamul goboleedyada.
“Waxaan joognaa magaalada Baydhabo, waxaa fursad in oo ah in barnaamijkeena aan halkan ka bilowno, Midowga wuxuu marwalba ku dadaalaa sidii uu wax uga qaban lahaa arrimaha bani’aadanimada, sidoo kalena uu u caawin lahaa dadka ay saameeyeen Abaaraha,'' ayeey tiri Lorenzo.
Maalintii shalay magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay waxaa gaaray Wasiirka Qorsheynta Soomaaliya Jamaal Maxamed Xasan iyo Safiirka Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya Veronique Lorenzo, iyaga oo halkaasi ka bilaabay mashaariic la xiriira wax ka qabashada arrimaha Abaaraha oo laga fulinayo gobolada dalka oo dhan.
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Mooshin armaa laga keenaa Khayre, maxaa yeelay xaaqin buu qaatay magaaladuuna nadiifinayaa?

Mooshin armaa laga keenaa Khayre, maxaa yeelay xaaqin buu qaatay magaaladuuna nadiifinayaa?

Saudi-led coalition blamed for deaths off Yemen coast

Thursday, July 27, 2017
UN investigators point finger at coalition helicopters for the raid on Somali refugee vessel in March that killed 42 people.

Some of the Somali migrants who died, in the Red Sea port of Al Hudaydah, Yemen, on March 17, 2017. Credit Abduljabbar Zeyad/Reuters

UN investigators are reported to have accused a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition of carrying out a deadly March attack on a Somali refugee boat off Yemen, saying the alliance had become a cover for some states to avoid individual blame.

The attack killed 42 people and injured 34 of the 140-plus people on board, the investigators wrote to the UN Security Council on Monday in an 185-page report seen by Reuters news agency on Wednesday.

"This civilian vessel was almost certainly attacked using a 7.62mm caliber weapon from an armed utility helicopter," the report said.

"The Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces are the only parties to the conflict that have the capability to operate armed utility helicopters in the area.”
The document said the helicopter was likely to have been operating from a naval vessel.

The coalition battling the Houthi fighters in Yemen has denied striking the boat in the Red Sea near the port of Hodeidah.

Saudi Arabia and its allies, including Egypt, the UAE, Bahrain, and Jordan, intervened in Yemen in 2015 in support of the internationally recognized government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Other attacks

The UN report said the attack violated international humanitarian law and threatened the peace, security, and stability of Yemen.

It said two other alleged attacks on fishing vessels by helicopter or naval vessels in the Red Sea in March had killed 11 more people and injured eight.

It said the Saudi-led coalition, the governments of the UAE and Egypt and the Combined Maritime Forces had not responded to the investigators' requests for information.

The coalition receives US arms and logistical support.

"Some individual member states of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition seek to hide behind 'the entity' of the coalition to shield themselves from state responsibility for violations committed by their forces," the investigators said.

They did not identify the states by name.

"Attempts to divert responsibility in this manner from individual states to the Saudi Arabia-led coalition may contribute to further violations continuing with impunity," they wrote.

Akshaya Kumar, deputy United Nations director for Human Rights Watch, told Al Jazeera that HRW was calling on countries to stop selling the Saudi-led coalition weapons that were being used in violation of the rules of war, and that the UN should set up an independent mechanism to investigate these abuses.

"The [UN] security council has its own duty to act - it's received this information now," said Kumar.

"The panel of experts were unequivocal about their view of responsibility here, and so we'll have to see: will the council continue on its path of inaction or will they engage and publicly push the Saudi coalition to reform its practices and to hold those responsible for this particular attack to account?"

Top UN officials this month accused the rival parties in Yemen and their international allies of exacerbating a deadly cholera outbreak, driving millions closer to famine and hindering humanitarian aid access.

UN-led peace talks have stalled. At the suggestion of Nikki Haley, the US ambassador, the Security Council is considering sending letters to the rival parties reminding them of their humanitarian obligations.

The letter has to be agreed by consensus and Egypt has objected to the draft, according to a senior Security Council diplomat.

Xulufada uu Sacuudiga hogaamiyo oo lagu eedeeyay weerarkii Soomaalida ee Yemen

Khamiis, July, 27, 2017 (HOL) – Guddi baarayaal ah oo ka socday Qaramada Midoobey ayaa sheegay in xulufada uu hogaamiyo Sacuudiga ka danbeeyeen duqeyntii lala eegtay Doon ay saarnaayeen tahriibayaal Soomaaliyeed oo marayey xeebta degmada Xudeyda ee Yemen bishii March ee sannadkan.

Warbixin qarsoodi ah oo ay Reuters heshay ayaa xaqiijinaysa in weerarka oo lagu dilay 42 Soomaali ah, islamarkaana lagu dhaawacay 32 kale ay ka dambeeyeen diyaaradaha dagaalka xulafada Sacuudigu hoggaamiyo ee dagaalka kula jira kooxda Xuutiyiinta Yemen. 

Warbixinta ayaa sheegaysa in Sacuudiga iyo Is-bahaysigiisa kaliya awood u leeyihin adeegsiga diyaaradaha helicopter ah ee hubaysan, marka la barbar dhigo dhinaca kale ee Xuutiyiinta dagaalka kula jira oo iyagu aan haysan diyaaradaha dagaalka.

Sida warbixintu ku warrantay Doonta la weeraray ayaa waxaa saarnaa in ka badan 140 ruux oo tahriibayaal Soomaaliyeed ah, waxaana ka badbaaday 66 ruux, halka 74 kale ay noqdeen wax dhintay iyo wax dhaawacmay.

Isbahaysiga Sacuudigu hoggaamiyo ee ka dagaallamaya dalka Yemen ayaa hore u beeniyey inay iyagu beegsadeen tahriibayaashaasi Soomaaliyeed ee lagu xasuuqay weerarka duqaynta ah,balse warbixinta haatan soo baxday ayaa xaqiijisay in dadkaasi rayid ah lagu beegsaday hub laga soo ganay diyaarad helicopter ah oo ay leeyihiin is-bahaysiga Sacuudiga.

Warbixinta oo ka kooban 185 bog ayaa loo gudbiyey Golaha Ammaanka QM maalintii Isniinta ee la soo dhaafay,waxaana lagu faahfaahiyey dhammaan raadadka la xiriira dhacdadaasi xasuuqa ah.
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Qashinka oo laga mamnuucay magaalada Muqdisho

Khamiis, July, 27, 2017 (HOL) – Iyadoo todobaadyadii ugu danbeeyay la waday olale lagu nadiifinayo caasimada Muqdisho oo ay ka qeybqaadanayeen madaxda ugu sareysa dalka, ayaa dadka looga digay in ay qashin ku shubaan goobaha aan munaasabadka ku aheyn ee magaalada.
Guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ayaa sheegay warbaahinta Muqdisho u sheegay in ay qofkii lagu helo isaga oo qashin ku shubaya meelaha aan munaasabka ku aheyn uu la mid yahay sida uu hadalka u dhigay Al-shabaab.
“Maanta wixii ka dambeeyo qof laga aqbalayo ma lahan qashin in uu qashin hortiisa yaalo, wixii wacyi gelin ah waa soo sameynay, ama Ganacsade ha ahaado ama qof guri degan ha ahaado, wixii sharciga uu qabo ayuu ku muteysanayaa tallaabo sharci ayaa laga qaadayaa”ayuu yiri Guddoomiye Taabid.
Ra’iisal wasaaraha xukuumada Soomaaliya Xassan Cali Kheyre ayaa maanta boqolaal dadweyne ah kala qeybgalay olale nadaafadeed oo laga sameeyay qeybo ka mid ah magaalada.
“Dadka qashinka raba in ay magaalada ka soo qaadaan oo meeshana ku daadinaya, wuxuu noola mid yahay Al-shabaab -ka dadka dila, kuwa meesha wax ku daadinaya si dadban iyo si toos yeey noo dilayaa, waxaan caafimaadkeena ayuu saameyn ku yeelanayaa”ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha gobolka
Magaalada Muqdisho oo ah caasimada Soomaaliya ayaa qeybo badan oo ka mid ah waxaad ku arkeysaa qashan iyo muuqaal aan idhaha u rooneyn oo dhamaantood qeyb ka ah nadaafad darrada muddada dheer soo daashatay Muqdisho wallow waayadii ugu danbeeyay madaxda iyo dadkuba u soo jeesteen siddii wax looga qaban lahaa.
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Danjiraha cusub ee Soomaaliya u fadhiya Qaramada Midoobey oo warqadihii aqoonsiga laga guddoomay

Khamiis, July, 27, 2017 (HOL) – Danjiraha cusub ee Soomaliya u qaabilsan Qaramada Midoobey Abuukar Maxamed Cismaan [Abuukar Baalle] ayaa warqadihii aqoonsiga u gudbiyay xog-hayaha guud ee QM Antonio Guterres.
Abuukar Max’ed Cismaan Danjiraha cusub ee dowladda Soomaaliya u magacaawday Qaramada Midoobey ayaa warqadihii aqoonsiga Danjire-nimo guddoonsiyay xog-hayaha guud ee QM Antonio Guterres Arbacadii shalay.
Danjire Abuukar Max’ed Cismaan ayaa sheegy in uu xoojin doono xiriirka in uu ka shaqeyn doono xoojinta xiriirka Diblumaasiyadeed ee u dhaxeeya QMiyo dowladda Soomaaliya.
“Waxaa Warqadihii aqoonsiga u gudbiyay Antonio Guterres xog-hayaha guud ee QM’ waan ku faraxsanahay in aan xilkan Soomaaliya u qabto, horey waxaan xilal kala duwan uga soo qabtay dowladihii dalka Soomaaliya soo maray’’ ayuu yiri Abuukar Baalle.
Danjiraha cusub ayaa horay u soo noqday agaasimaha madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ka hor inta aan xilkan loo magacaabin.
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

North Dakota Woman Made Death Threats To 3 Somali Women, Apologizes After Video Goes Viral

Thursday July 27, 2017
Videos of the incident began to circulate social media, leading the woman, Amber Hensley, to come forward and apologize for her actions.
The Somali-American women — Rowda Soyan, Sarah Hassan and Laleyla Hassan — were interested in seeing a movie before being approached by Hensley. According to North Dakota news publication High Plains Reader (HPR), they were reportedly enjoying a day off from work before the confrontation.

The three women informed Hensley that they were recording her actions on camera, claiming they would file a complaint with the Fargo Police Department. However, Hensley ignored the women, instead instructing them to "move their car."

"Go home, go home," Hensley said. "We're going to kill all of you. We're going to kill everyone one of you."

Hensley told KVVR that she wanted to apologize for her actions, claiming what she did was "not a Christian-like thing to do."
"I would first like to apologize for the horrible things that I said to the two ladies at Walmart. It was not a Christian-like thing to do AT ALL and wish I could take it back, but I lost my cool and I can't," Hensley told KVVR Wednesday. "I am terribly sorry. I just wish the whole video could be shown. And the things that were stated before she starts taping."

Hensley alleged that there was more to the story than what was depicted in the video, claiming that an argument broke out because the women parked too close to her vehicle.

"She had parked way too close to my car and I couldn’t get in, when I asked her to move she refused, I asked her again and she swore at me calling me a fat b—, to that I informed her that I was a Christian and asked her if she knew who Jesus was, she said F— JESUS and I lost it," she added. "But there are absolutely no excuses. I am in tears with regret and will take any form of punishment deemed fit."

Hensley was reportedly terminated from her position at Horab & Wentz following the incident. HPR journalist Christopher Hagen shared the firm's statement on his Facebook page, which read, "Horab & Wentz does not support the statements expressed by Amber Hensley in the recently posted video. She does not represent or reflect the views of Horab & Wentz. Ms. Hensley is no longer employed with Horab & Wentz effective immediately."

Hukun Dabar, the executive director of the Afro-American Development Association (AADA),  shared the footage on his Facebook page Tuesday.

Dabar informed International Business Times that the Somali women contacted him because of his position, ultimately giving him permission to share the video on social media. However, he didn't expect the video to gain traction outside of North Dakota.

"They called me because I'm one of the committee leaders here [at AADA]," he told IBT Wednesday. "I never thought it'd go viral [and be] on national news."

Dabar shared three videos created by the Somali women, deeming the Hensley's actions "unacceptable" on Facebook. 

"What happened today at Walmart Fargo - 13th Ave S Parking lot is unacceptable," Dabar wrote. "Three Muslim ladies were at the parking lot, a white lady approached them with hateful words and threatened them "that she will kill all of them" and no one defended them."

He added, "Everybody was watching, really is this Fargo, the welcoming City!! This is the fifth incident happening in our community. This must be stopped." 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

5 dead, 4 injured in Mogadishu after a shoot out between government soldiers

Hiiraan Online
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Mogadishu (HOL) - A gunfight in Somalia’s capital on Wednesday between the Presidential Guard and government soldiers at a checkpoint near Villa Somalia has resulted in the death of five NISA soldiers working under the Mogadishu Stabilization Force, including a senior security official.

Witnesses report that a car carrying Issa Jiijiile -  a deputy commander with the National Intelligence & Security Agency (NISA) was stopped at a checkpoint at the National Theatre by members of the Presidential Guard. The NISA soldiers reportedly approached the checkpoint before being fired upon and returning fire.
In a nationally televised joint address , Minister of Defense & Chief of NISA promised that an investigation is underway into the killing. Abdullahi Mohamed Ali Sanbalolshe, the Chief of NISA said that anyone found responsible will be held criminally responsible.

"We have opened an investigation into the cause of the fight. Anyone found involved should face the full force of the law." he said.

The intelligence chief added that the Presidential Guards may have received bad intel on an possible Al-Shabaab attack where the assailants would be disguised in NISA soldiers.

"The Presidential Guards are tasked to protect the head of the state and so they have been given fake alert which resulted them to deny access of the nearby roads and thus causing to clash with NISA soldiers returning from an operation."

"I send my sympathies and condolences to all those killed in today’s unfortunate incidents.”

On Wednesday morning, a Presidential Guard was killed after an incident that involved government soldiers.


Arbaco, July, 26, 2017 (HOL) – Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga Xukuumada Federaalka  Soomaaliya iyo Taliyaha Hay’adda Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, ayaa si wada jir ah uga hadlay caawa isku dhac u dhaxeeyay ciidammo kawada tirsan dowladda oo maanta ka dhacay magaalladda Muqdisho.
Isku dhacyadii ciidamada dhexmaray waxaa ku geeryooday ku dhawaan shan askari. Mid kamid ah iska hor imaadyada waxaa uu ka dhacay nawaxiga xaruunta Murtida iyo Madadaalada ee National Threat, waxaana lagu dilay Taliye ku-xigeenkii hore ee Ciidanka Nabad-Sugida Gobolka Banaadir Gaashaanle Ciise Xasan Caraale (Jiijiile).
“Guddi ayaa loo saaray oo soo baaraya dadkii ka dambeeyay in shaqaaqadaasi ay dhacdo waxaana laga qaadi doonaa talaabo, tusaale ayeeyna noqon doontaa, ciidan dambe oo loogu dulqaadan doono in shaqaaqo noocaan oo kale ay ka qeyb-qaataana ma jirto”, ayuu yiri Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga.
Wasiirka ayaa dhinaca kale sheegay in isku dhacaasi uusan aheyd mid kutalagal ahaa, waxaana uu tacsi u diray askartii ku geeryootay.
Dhinaca kale Taliyaha Hay’adda Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, oo isagana isku dhacaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya baaritaano dhab ah ay ku sameyn doonto dhacdadii maanta dhacday.
“Annigoo ku hadlaya magaca ciidamada Xasilinta caasimada iyo ciidanka kale, waxaan tacsi u dirayaa dhamaan intii ku dhimatay isku dhacaasi, intii ku dhaawacmayna Allah ha caafiyo, isku dhicii maanta dhacay ma aheyn mid qorsheysan, wax niyad jab ahna shacabka uma geysanayo”, ayuu yiri.
Taliyaha ayaa sheegay muddooyinkii ugu dambeeyay howlalkii ka dhacay magaalladda Muqdisho in lagu guuleystay.
Dhinaca kale Ciidamada Xasilinta ee dowladda Somaliya ayaa gacanta ku dhigay Laba Askari oo ka tirsan Milatariga Somaliya islamarkaana watay dhar shacab. 
Dadka Xaafadda Kaawo godey qaybta kala qeybisa degmooyinka Dharkenley iyo Wadajir ayaa sheegaya in ay  halkaas ku dagaallameen Ciidamo ka wada tirsan Dowladda Somaliya. 
Isku dhaca ayaa ka billowday kaddib markii Labada Askari ee Milatariga ay isku dayeen in ay Qoriga ka qaataan Askariga ka tirsanaa Ciidamada Xasilinta.
Hiiraan Online,
Hassan Istiila

Dhallinyaradii xabasiga Itoobia laga soo daayay oo ka mahadceliyay dadaalkii loo galay oo ayan weligood illaawi doonin Raiisul wasaare Khayre .

Dhallinyaradii xabasiga Itoobia laga soo daayay oo ka mahadceliyay dadaalkii loo galay oo ayan weligood illaawi doonin Raiisul wasaare Khayre .

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Injectable HIV drug to offer effective therapy, say, scientists

Wednesday July 26, 2017

A person holds an experimental vaccine against the AIDS virus in Shoshaguve, near Pretoria, on November 30, 2016, as South Africa launched a major clinical trial of the experimental vaccine, which scientists hope could be the "final nail in the coffin" for the disease. PHOTO | MUJAHID SAFODIEN | AFP 

A revolution in HIV could see the daily oral pills replaced with the injectable drug given six times a year, scientists have revealed.

The first two long acting injectable formulations of HIV medicines could offer a highly effective therapy if approved.

The injection which is supposed to slowly and continuously release HIV medication into the blood of the patient is on Phase II trial.

The medication is expected to reduce pill burden and providing convenience for people living with HIV once approved.

Many people struggle to swallow the drugs daily and in many cases resulted to a comeback and resistance.

The results were presented on Tuesday at the International Aids Society Conference on HIV Science in Paris, France.
“As research into new medicines for HIV progresses, adherence to therapy continues to be essential to achieving viral suppression and reducing the emergence of resistance mutations,” Dr David Margolis, a researcher from ViiV Healthcare, said.

“The primary end point evaluated antiviral activity and safety through 32 weeks of maintenance treatment and the study will continue up to 104 weeks of treatment,” said Dr Margolis.


There was 94 per cent viral suppression on patients who were placed on two drug regime dosed every eight weeks. The four weeks reported 87 per cent as compared to 84 per cent in patients who were on oral regime.

“Neither of the patients had evidence of resistance at failure, injection site pain was the most commonly reported injection site reaction.

Side effects - including diarrhoea and headache - were similar in all groups,” he said.

“ This study results was important since we now have data showing the durability and tolerability of long acting viral suppression for a two drug regime out of 96 weeks,” said Dr John Pottage, Chief scientist at ViiV health care and co-author of the study.


Another study has concluded that introduction of antibodies in infected people may delay the rebound of the HIV load in the body especially after interruption from antiretroviral therapy.

The study known as RV397 sought to find treatments that could suppress the viral loads without the need for lifelong ART.

Scientists randomly trialed the effect of VRCO1 antibodies in a controlled demonstration to determine the viral changes in people infected with HIV and who have been on ARTs respond.

VRCO1 is a broadly neutralising antibody that inhibits multiple strains of HIV.

“This is the first time that the VRCO1 antibody has been evaluated in people who started anti-HIV drugs during acute HIV infection,” said Dr Trevor Crowell, the research physician who presented the study.

Mudane Jawaari oo Muqdisho kula kulmay Faadumo Dhayib

Talaado, July, 25, 2017 (HOL) - Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan ‘’Jawaari’’ ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa kula kulmay madaxa qeybta horumarinta ee laanta haweenka ee Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya Faadumo Dayib Qaasim.
Guddoomiye Jawaari iyo Faadumo, ayaa waxaa ay ka wada hadleen arrimo ay kamid yihiin horumarinta Haweenka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan haweenka ku jira Baarlamaanka.
Kulankii maanta sidoo kale waxaa ka qeyb-galay Guddoomiyaha Haweenka ee Baarlamaanka iyo marti kale.
Faadumo Dayib oo ka mid aheyd musharaxiintii madaxweynaha Somalia, balse si lama filaan ah u sheegtay in ay uga hartay tartanka ayaa loo magacaabay madaxa haweenka ee hay’adda Qaramada Midoobey ee Somalia.
Bishii June ee sanadkan ayaa Faadumo Dayib, waxaa ay xarunta madaxtooyada ee Villa Somalia kula kulntay madaxweyne Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo.
Waxaa ay sheegtay inay si dhow ula shaqeyn doonto Madaxweynaha iyo dowladdiisa. Dhinaca kale waxey hadalkeeda sii raacisay in sharaf ay u tahay in madaxweynaha ay ku wareejiso nuqul ka mid ah qorshaha waajibaadkeeda ee Xafiiska ay madaxda ka tahay. 
Hiiraan Online,
Hassan Istiila

Monday, July 24, 2017

Jerusalem on alert as religious tensions rise over holy site

WorldJul 21, 2017 03:01AM ET

© Reuters. Palestinians shout slogans during a protest over Israel's new security measures at the compound housing al-Aqsa mosque, known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount, in Jerusalem's Old City© Reuters. Palestinians shout slogans during a protest over Israel's new security measures at the compound housing al-Aqsa mosque, known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount, in Jerusalem's Old City
By Luke Baker and Ori Lewis
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel bolstered security in the Old City of Jerusalem on Friday and prepared for possible clashes with Muslim worshippers after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided metal detectors at a sensitive holy site would not be removed.
There have been daily confrontations between Palestinians hurling rocks and Israeli police using stun grenades since the detectors were placed at the entrance to the shrine, known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount, on Sunday, after the killing of two Israeli policemen.
Muslim leaders and Palestinian political factions have urged the faithful to gather for a "day of rage" against the new security policies, which they see as changing delicate agreements that have governed the holy site for decades.
The Israeli police said extra units had been mobilized to bolster security in the Old City, while Muslim access to the shrine for prayers would be limited to women of all ages and men over 50. Roadblocks were in place on approach roads to Jerusalem to stop buses carrying Muslims to the site.
"Police are coordinating to enable Friday prayers to take place and at the same time security measures are taking place," spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.
The Noble Sanctuary-Temple Mount compound, containing the Dome of the Rock and the Aqsa Mosque, has long been a source of religious friction. Since Israel captured and annexed the Old City, including the compound, in the 1967 Middle East war, it has also become a symbol of Palestinian nationalism.
On Thursday, there were calls for Netanyahu to back down and remove the metal detectors so as not to inflame the situation. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, after discussing the issue with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, called Israeli President Reuven Rivlin to press for their removal.
Nickolay Mladenov, the United Nations' special coordinator for long-stalled Israel-Palestinian peace talks, appealed for calm and the White House urged a resolution. Jordan, which is the ultimate custodian of the holy site, has also been involved in mediation efforts.
But after a late-night meeting of his security cabinet, Netanyahu decided the metal detectors should stay. Officials said they were necessary to ensure Palestinians and Israeli-Arabs do not smuggle weapons into the holy compound.
Far-right members of Netanyahu's government - which relies on religious and right-wing parties for support - had publicly urged him to keep the devices in place.
"Israel is committed to maintaining the status quo at the Temple Mount and the freedom of access to the holy places," the security cabinet said in a statement.
"The cabinet has authorized the police to take any decision in order ensure free access to the holy places while maintaining security and public order."
Tensions around the Noble Sanctuary-Temple Mount have erupted into violence in the past. In 2000, after then Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited, Palestinians took it as a provocation. It led to clashes that spiraled into the second Intifada when an estimated 1,000 Israelis and some 3,000 Palestinians were killed over four years of violence.
As well as anger at having to submit to Israeli security policies, Palestinians are alarmed at what they see as the slow chipping away at the status quo at the Noble Sanctuary.
Since Ottoman times, while Jews are permitted to visit the area - considered the holiest place in Judaism, where an ancient temple once stood - only Muslims are allowed to pray.
Over the past decade, however, visits by religious-nationalist Jews have increased sharply and some attempt to pray. While police are supposed to eject them if they do, the rules are not always enforced, fuelling Muslim anger.

“Anigoo 23 jir ah godkii la igu xidhay, baa anigoo 50 jir ah la iga soo saaray”.

Maxbuus Soomaaliyeed oo laga soo daayay xabsiga Ethiopia (Qiso xanuun badan)

Magacaygu waa Cabdiraxmaan Dhoodaan Cabdi Maysar, waxaan ku dhashay Muqdisho, waxaan ka baxay dugsiga sare ee Banaadir 80 maad kii, Anigoo ku jira kuliyadda cilmiga dhaqaalaha ee Jaamacadii Gahayr iigana harsantahay wax ka ka yar sanad, da`dayduna tahay 23 jir ayay dawladdii burburtay.  Aabahay waxuu ka shaqayn jiray guryo uu bankigii dhexe lahaa oo loo yaqiin Bangaariyada oo ku yiil degmada Hodan.  Ciddeenna waxay ku noolaayeen degmada Xamarweyne.
Bilowgii 1991 maalin ka mid ah anoo jooga Jaamacada ayaan hal mar maqlay hugunka madaafiicda iyo daryaanka rasaasta ee qoryaha fudud waxaan dareemay in Xamar la soo galay xabaduna kusoco madaxtooyada, suurto galne ahayn inaan aado xaafadayda maadama aan la mari karin jidka Makka Al Mukarama oo ah marinka xaafadayda, waxaan go`ansaday inaan la qaxo dad cararyay ilaa aan gaarno Ethiopia.
6 bilood oon kusii hakanaynay hadba meel,  dhaxbartamahii 1991kii ayaan waxaan gaarnay Iimeey oon uga sii gudubnay Raaso ilaa aan gaarno Dirir Dhawa,.
Xilligaas waddanka Ethiopia aad buu u kacsanaa waxaana xukunka laga tuuray kaligii taliyii Mingiste waxaana ka socday raaf dadka loogu tuurayo xabsiyada,. 7 habeen markii aan seexday Dirir dhawa habeenkii ku xigay xilli maqrib ah ayaa la i dafay waxaana i kaxaystay ciidan wata gaari Jiib ah waxaana la i geeyay degmo 200km aan u maleeynayo inay u jirto Dirir Dhawa oo la yiraah Hawaash (Awash),  waa godkii iga lumiyay mustaqbalkayga waa kii I nacsiiyay adduunyada,  waa midkii 27 sano aan ku jiray, waa kii aan galay anoo 23 jir ah kana soo baxay anoo 50 jir ah.

Xabsigaas waxaa ku xirnaa maxaabiis aan ku qiyaasay 4,600, dadka ugu badan ee xabsiga ku jiray waxay ahaayeen Amhaaro iyo Oromo oo dowladda ku kacsanaa, Somalida waxaan ahayn 300 qiyaastii marka laga reebo 280 loo soo qabtay inay taageeraan ONLF,  inteenna kale waxaan ahayn reer Soomaaliya.

Runtii ma qiyaasi karo nooca uu u yaalay xabsigaas,  waxuu ahaa god hoostiisa oo aay adagtahay sida aad ku aragto qoraxda ama iftiin, Naxariista kaliya ee xabsigaas ka heli karto waa inaad cuntaa hal waqti oo Cambuulo galeey ah.

Waxaa iigu murug badnayd markii xabsiga la iga soo sii daayay anoo xiran 27 sano maxaa yeelay ma aanan aqoon meel aan u raadiyo aabahay, hooyadey iyo lix walaaladey ahaa oo ila dhashay.  Alla muruga badnaaa,  wallaahi waxaa la ii qaatay inaan iska dhinto.
Markaan xamar ka soo dagay hadda oon kula hadlayo waan ooyay waana farxay, waxaan ku ooyay farxad aan u qabo dhulkayga iyo aragtida ra`isul wasaaraha I soo daayay oo ah nin dhallinyaro ah oo naxariis iyo damqasho leh, waxaana ku farxay jacaylka dadkeena ay  is jecelyihiin iyo sida macaan ee noola soo dhaweeyay, walaahi ma aqaan ani waxa aan sameeyo iyo meesha aan ka raadin doono dadkaygi.
Alla ciil badanaa maanta aqoontaydi iyo dadkaygi midna ma hayo oo waxaan ahay jaahil gablan ah kaliya, waddada ii furan waxaa weeye inaan samro oon badiyo taqwada Alle.
Walaal macaane maanta kaama rabo lacag iyo hanti, ma doonayo magac iyo mansab iyo shaqaba kaliya waxaan rabaa ciddeenni inaan is helno fadlan intaas iga caawi.
Walaal miskiinkaan dhibban fadlan ka caawi inay ishelaan ciddiisii oo mar kale dib u midobaaban waa hadaad taqaan ree Dhoodaan Cabdi Maysar.

Share dhaha walaalayaal iyagaa is heli doonee

Ma aha Riwaayad iyo sheeko la jilay ee waa dhab

Ma aha Riwaayad iyo sheeko la jilay ee waa dhab. Dunidu maanta waxaa la daawadaa filimo ka hadlaya nolosha caadiga ah, iiyadoo aan ku bixin kharash iyo waqti, waxaana la ogaaday inuu ka saameyn badan yihiin filimada caynkan ah kuwa fekerka iyo kharashka badan uu ku baxo.

Haddii uu doolli ku dhibo istimcaal farsamadan oo gurigaaga ku sameyso

Haddii uu doolli ku dhibo istimcaal farsamadan oo gurigaaga ku sameyso

A minimalist Japanese architect is designing homes for refugees that they can build themselves

Monday July 24, 2017
by Lily Kuo

Time for an upgrade. (Reuters/Thomas Mukoya)

Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, known for making cathedrals and concert halls out of paper, is designing 20,000 new homes for refugees in northwest Kenya. Ban, who won the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2014, will be working with the UN Habitat to build homes in the Kalobeyei refugee settlement in Kenya’s Turkana region.
Ban, a minimalist who uses materials ranging from cardboard and paper to beer crates, is known for his work on emergency housing. He’s built DIY refugee shelters in Rwanda after the 1994 genocide and in Nepal after its 2015 earthquake2015. His paper log houses have been used in Japan, Turkey, and India. In Kenya, Ban says his goal is to design housing simple enough for residents to replicate and maintain by themselves—Kenya’s refugee population, at about 400,000, is expected to continue growing.

“The key thing will be to design and construct shelter where no or little technical supervision is required, and use materials that are locally available and eco-friendly. It’s important that the houses can be easily maintained by inhabitants,” Ban said after visiting the Kalobeyei settlement last week.

The Kalobeyei Settlement, an initiative between the county government of Turkana and UNHCR, was first established in 2015 in hopes of creating a place where refugees and the local community are better integrated. The average displaced person lives more than 16 years at a refugee camp, according to UNHCR. It’s now home to more than 37,000 refugees, mostly from South Sudan and Somalia. Ban will first prototype 20 shelters to be tested at the camp.

After a 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, Ban designed a temporary replacement for the church made out of cardboard. (Shigeru Ban Architects)

Ban’s houses for victims of the Nepal 2015 earthquake use wood as the main frame of the shelter. Bricks are used for the enclosure. (Shigeru Ban Architects)

Paper log houses built after an earthquake in Kobe, Japan in 1995 use donated beer crates weighed down by sandbags as the foundation. The walls are made with paper tubes, and the roofs are made out of tenting material. (Shigeru Ban Architects)



Runtu waa taas ee Allow na hanuuni

Runtu waa taas ee Allow na hanuuni

Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo dib u soo celiyay sharciga la dagaalanka Musuq-maasuqa

Isniin, July, 24, 2017 (HOL) - Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta dib u soo celiyay sharciga la dagaalanka Musuq –maasuqa, kaasoo horay ugu soo gudbisay wasaaradda Cadaalada.
Wasiirka Cadaaladda Xasan Xuseen Xaaji ayaa Golaha shacabka ka hor akhriyay sharciga dhismaha guddiga madaxa banaan ee la dagaalanka musuq maasuqa.
Ka hor inta uusan ka gudbin sharcigan Akhritiisii koowaad ayaa waxaa ka hor yimid, iyadoo xildhibaannada baarlamaanka ay soo jeediyeen in dib loogu celiyo wasaaradda.
Xildhibaan Daahir Amiin Jeesoow ayaa soo jeediyay in sharcigan dib loogu celiyo wasaaradda, maadaama qodobo muhiim ah ay ka maqan yihiin, sidaas darteed dib loogu celiyo Wasaaradda, si loo soo dhameystiro
Guddoomiye kuxigenka labaad ee baarlamaanka yaa u akhriyay xildhibaanada qodobada lagama maarmaanka ee loo baahan yahay inay ka soo muuqdana hindise sharciyeedkan la horkeenay Baarlamaanka.
Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka koowaad ee baarlamaanka  C/wali Sheekh Ibraahim Muudeey oo shir guddoominayay kulanka ayaa sheegay in sharcigan la dagaalanka musuq maasuqa uu u baahan yahay qodobo ka maqan, isla markaana dib loogu celiyay Wasaaradda.
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online