Friday, July 21, 2017

NASA Supremo Hon Junet Mohammed ARRESTED under UNCLEAR Circumstances, Being Held at Homabay Police Station

Suba East MP Junet Mohamed has been arrested over hate speech remarks.
Junet was arrested on Friday morning and locked up at Homa Bay police station.
But the specifics of the accusations remain unclear as police are yet to release more details.
Reports indicate that he was arrested at Homa Bay airstrip while on his way to Migori county.
Homabay County MP Hon Gladys Wanga‏ urged ODM supporters to converge at the station to show solidarity with the MP.
“Let’s meet at Homa bay Police Station to demand answers on Hon Junet’s arrest. Intimidation tactics by a failed regime is unacceptable!” she tweeted.
Hon Junet is NASA leader’s right-hand man and a key figure in this electioneering period, he is ODM party director of elections and resource mobilization.
His arrest seen by NASA supporters as part of the ongoing intimidation and Knipping NASA wings as match to Statehouse gains momentum.
Statehouse operatives are keen at starving NASA campaign resources, by arresting Junet at this moment is another effort to delay NASA momentum.
Hon Junet, is of Somali extraction but elected by great people of Migori (Suna East), he has played key role that saw Uhuru Jubilee support among Muslim community vanquish, Northern Kenya frontier districts are a no go zone for Uhuru Ruto as well as the Coastal region.
Hon Junet has been vocal in matters extra judicial killings of Muslim youth in Northern Eastern Kenya, Coast, and Nairobi.

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