Thursday, August 24, 2017

Korane wants list of Garissa staff for audit

Thursday August 24, 2017
New Garissa Governor Ali Korane yesterday urged the County Public Service Board to present him a list of all workers.

He spoke on his first day in office after meeting board members.

Korane was accompanied by Deputy Governor Abdi Dagane.

This came after he took the oath of office in a ceremony at Garissa Primary School.

The board is headed by Harun Yussuf, who fell out with then-Governor Nathif Jama over what he said was interference by Jama in the board’s affairs.

Korane said he will not allow laxity among county employees.

The county has about 5,000 employees.

A number of them are said to have been employed without passing through the board — the county’s public recruitment agency.

The new county boss promised a change in county operations to fast-track development.

During campaigns, he accused Jama of taking advantage of desperate job seekers, duping them into believing he had the powers to employ county workers.

Korane said Jama was issuing appointment letters in total disregard of the hiring procedures.

He said Jama was engaging in “conmanship” and his actions were illegal.

This amounted to usurping the board’s mandate, he said.

Under his reign, Korane said, workers will be held personally accountable for their actions. He wants them to play by the rules.

“I have asked the board to furnish me with the list of staff in 10 days. From the list, we’ll know how to proceed,” he said.

“We wanted it [immediately], but they [the board members] were not ready. I’m ready to work with those who were legally hired through laid-down recruitment procedures.”

Korane said it is a criminal offence for anyone to be employed irregularly and added that established procedures must be respected.

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