Monday, August 7, 2017

Terror group al-Shabaab abducts voters 1 day to election

by: Samuel Karanja 

Two vehicles ferrying voters to Mandera have been captured by Al-Shabaab near Arabia, the terrorists have also destroyed electricity grid in Lamu. 
Several people are feared to miss after two vehicles they were traveling in were hijacked by al-Shabaab terror groups members. 

The two vehicles including a Landcruiser with South Sudanese registration numbers and one registered in Kenya were hijacked by the group on Monday, August 7. The vehicles were ferrying voters to Mandera when they were captured by the group near Arabia. 

At the same time, two vehicles have been hit by an explosive on the Garsen-Lamu road in another suspected terror attack. The vehicles are said to have hit an Improvised Explosive Device(IED) leaving two people injured. The group has also destroyed electricity lines in Lamu leading to a blackout which is likely to affect voting in the area. 

We are working to restore a 220 kV high voltage line serving county which fell after being vandalized today.

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