Saturday, March 18, 2017

Think before making the dangerous crossing to Yemen, musicians urge

The recording artists who performed ‘Dangerous Crossings’, a UNHCR-produced song raising awareness of the dangers of migrating to Yemen, are photographed in the studio. Photo: UNCHR/Timothy Kaldas
Ana Carmo

During 2016 more than 117,000 refugees arrived in war-stricken Yemen, according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), despite the escalating conflict there.
Many were lured by smugglers to take a perilous boat journey from Africa, across the Gulf of Aden, or the Red Sea, in search of a better future.
UN figures released on Wednesday show that an estimated 17 million people in Yemen are going hungry and more than 2 million have been displaced.
UNHCR recently launched a major campaign called "Dangerous Crossings" to highlight the horrendous conditions and rising risks on trying to reach Yemen.
The campaign's enlisted the support of musicians from across the region, led by the renowned singer and former refugee herself, Maryam Mursal.

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