Monday, March 13, 2017

Trump holds first Cabinet meeting and again blames Democrats for empty seats

Los Angeles times
March 3, 2017

President Trump tweeted about the first Cabinet meeting of his administration, claiming that four members were absent because Senate Democrats had delayed his nominees' confirmations.
At the time of Trump's comment, the four Cabinet-level nominees who hadn't yet been confirmed were: Sonny Perdue for Agriculture secretary, Alexander Acosta for Labor secretary, Robert Lighthizer for U.S. trade representative and Dan Coats to head the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Trump named Perdue as his Agriculture secretary candidate on Jan. 19, but the formal nomination was only sent to the Senate on Thursday -- more than seven weeks later. Senators had also been waiting for Purdue's ethics paperwork, including an agreement for him to step down from several companies bearing his name. That wasn't received until Friday, according to Politico.
Trump tapped Acosta on Feb. 16 after his first pick for Labor secretary, Andy Puzder, abruptly withdrew from consideration. Acosta's paperwork was filed March 9 and his confirmation hearing was originally slated for the following Wednesday. That was switched to March 22 because the committee chairman, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), was to appear with Trump at a Nashville rally promoting the GOP's plan to replace the Affordable Care Act the same day, the Associated Press reported.
Trump announced Lighthizer and Coats as nominees on Jan. 3 and 5, respectively. Lighthizer's confirmation hearing was scheduled for March 14, and a committee voted March 9 to confirm Coats, advancing his nomination to the Senate floor.

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