Friday, March 31, 2017

Waa yaabe ! In loo dilo wax ka yar hal doollar

Labo arday oo damacday iney daawadaan tartan kubbadda cagta ah oo ay wada ciyaarayeen laba iskuul ayaa xabbado lagu riday arday bixin waysay lacagtii daawashada  god u galay xaafadda Dharkeenlay, dugsiga dhamme Yaasiin Cartan



Wuxuu naftiisa halistaas u geliyay siduu Yurub ku tagi lahaa

Wuxuu naftiisa halistaas u geliyay siduu Yurub ku tagi lahaa

Nin arkay mas wayn oo aad u ooman naftiisana halis si uu u waraabiyo BBC

Nin arkay mas wayn oo aad u ooman naftiisana halis si uu u waraabiyo BBC

Thursday, March 30, 2017




RIWAAYAD (KALA GARO QABIIL IYO QARAN) Haddii uu wasiirku qoladaada ka dhashay qoladaada oo kaliya uma shaqeeyo ee waxaa laga doonayaa inuu qaranka oo dhan matalo oo u shaqeeyo Soomaali oo dhan.

GOP senator criticizes Paul Ryan's warning to Reublicans on health care ...

GOP senator criticizes Paul Ryan's warning to Reublicans on health care reform

How the House, Senate Russia probes are headed down different paths

How the House, Senate Russia probes are headed down different paths

13 killed in Texas church bus accident

13 killed in Texas church bus accident



Daawo: Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo lagu soo dhaweynayo golaha shirka Jaamacadda Carabta

Daawo: Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo lagu soo dhaweynayo golaha shirka Jaamacadda Carabta

Wasaaradda Ow qaafta Somaliland oo ka hadashay Anshaxa bandhigga dharxirashada

Bandhiggii dharxirashada iyo habsocodka ee lagu soo bandhigay Hargeysa iyo saameynta bulshada

Ha laga faaiideysto habka uu Booliiska Soomaaliyeed wax u qaybinayo

Booliiska Soomaaliyeed ayaa u qaybiyay raashiin qaar ka mid ah barakacayaasha

Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Britian ayaa maanta saxiixday qodobka 50-aad si dalk...

Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Britian ayaa maanta saxiixday qodobka 50-aad si dalkeedu uga baxo Midowga Yurub.

Jawaari: Madaxdu waa adeegayaal ee na adeegsada

Jawaari: Madaxdu waa adeegayaal ee na adeegsada

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Markii ay Wasaaradda Warfaafintu Xajka ii diresay!

Waxaad Karaamo leedahay Markii aad Dawlad leedahay
Sidii caadada u ahayd wasaaradda warfaafinta Soomaaliya waxay sanad walba ka heli  jirtay martiqaad boqortooyada Sacuudi Caraabiya martiqaad ah in qof wariye ahi uga qaybgalo, warkana soo tebiya islamarkaasna uu soo xajiyo.

1986dii ayuu noqday nasiibkeyga inaan heli fursaddaas ah in Xajka sanadkan la ii diro. Loollan iyo qalqaalo midna uma gelin, ma codsan oo dadkii codsaday ka mid ma ahayn.

Waxay igu noqotay filanwaa markii Allaha u naxariistee Maxamed Carab Falaxfalax iiga daba yimid dalcadda hoose ee guriga ummadda isagoo u sii socda  dhanka wasaaradda, gaarigiina ii joojiyay, dabadeedna aan isasoo wada raacnay. Wuxuu iigu bishaareeyay in shirkii shalay ee wasaaradda lagu go`aamiyay in sanadkan xajka adiga lagu siiyoo oo laguu diro. Waxay ii ahayd farxad wayn oo aanan weligey illaabin.

Waxaan haddaba sheekadan u soo qaatay caawa, anigoo waraaqo ka dhex baaraya kolay ay ka buuxaan waxyaabihii ka haray dokumentiyadeeydii farha badnaa ayaan waxaan ka dhex helay afar warqadood oo isku xiran oo si wayn ii soo xusuusiyay nidaamkaan lahayn iyo dawladnimadeennii, markaasan jeclaaday inaan idinla qaybsado oo halkan sawirradooda soo dhigo anigoo uga dan leh iney farriinna u noqoto xukuumaddan ay rajada badan ka qabaan dadkeenna.

Warqaduhu waxay kala yihiin:1 -  Warqadda martiqaadka ee Sacuudiga 2- warqadda laygu magacaabay inaan aniga ahay sanadkan qofka tagaya xajaka 3 - warqadda ay wasaaradda warfaafintu iigu codsaneyso (Nulla Osta) iyo in la i siiyo lacagtii sahayda ahayd oo la ii waydiinayo wasaaradda arrimaha debadda iyo agaasimaha guud ee lacagta ee Madaxtooyada JDS 4- Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda oo waaxda Carabta ku wargelineysa magacaabistayda wasaaradda Warfaafinta. Sidaas si la mid ahna waxaa warqad kale oo gaar ah la iigu qoray Somali Airlines oo iyaduna tikidkeygii laga dalbay iney i siiso.

Waxaad karaamo leedahay markii aad leedahay dal iyo xukuumad maamulkeeda hufan yahay shaqeynayana. Sidaas ayaan ku dhoofay oo xajkana ku aaday, soo dhoweyntii la iiga bilaabay garoonka dayaaradaha Jiddah ayaan ku soo xajiyay oo meel walbana la i soo marsiiyay ilaa aan ka soo dhoofo. 

Sida ku cad waraaqahan waxaa muddo bil ah la ii qondeeyo 1000 doollar oo jeeb gashi ah, si karaamadeyda loo dhowro oo aan dadka halkaas tagaya indhaha ku taagin oo qof isku filan u ahaado iyo dhamaan wixii kaloo tashiilaad ah. Waxaas musuqmaasuq laguma bixiyo odayga qabillkaaga ahna kuma siiyo , mana aha wax la xaday ee waa waxaad xaq u leedahay.

Xukuumadda cusub waxaan u rajaynayaa khayr iyo waxqabad dhab ah.

Marwo Wasiir Maryam Qaasim oo durbaba u jeediysay baaq ummadda Soomaaliyeed

Marwo Wasiir Maryam Qaasim oo durbaba u jeediysay baaq ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo ay kaga hadleyso sida loogu baahan yahay in la sameeyo qorshe lagaga hortagayo dhibaatada abaarta soo noqnoqoneysa.



Mudane Jawaari oo la hadlay barlamaanka isagoo ka wakiil ah Madaxweyne Farmaajo ansixinta xukuumadda kaddib

Mudane Jawaari oo la hadlay barlamaanka isagoo ka wakiil ah Madaxweyne Farmaajo ansixinta xukuumadda kaddib

Ansixintii iyo dhaartii xukuumadda Cusub

Ansixintii iyo dhaartii xukuumadda Cusub

Barlamaanka Soomaaliyeed oo aan ka labalabayn ansixinta xukuumadda cusub

Barlamaanka Soomaaliyeed oo aan ka labalabayn ansixinta xukuumadda cusub

Duulimaadyadii tooska ahaa ee Muqdisho iyo Nairobi oo dib u bilowday

Duulimaadyadii tooska ahaa ee Muqdisho iyo Nairobi oo dib u bilowday

Barlamaanka oo ka dhegeystay R/W Khayre barnaamijka xukuumaddiisa kana dalbaday in la ansaxiyo xukuumaddiisa

Barlamaanka oo ka dhegeystay R/W Khayre barnaamijka xukuumaddiisa kana dalbaday in la ansaxiyo wasiirradiisa

Cabdisalaan Hereri iyo Mumbai

Cabdisalaan Hereri iyo Mumbai

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Prehistoric Rock Carving Depicts Ostrich Masked People in Egypt

Published on Mar 26, 2017

Before King Tut, Hatshepsut or Ramesses I — in fact, before there were any pharaohs at all — someone pecked an image of a hunter and a dancer wearing an ostrich mask into a rock on a hill along the Nile 


SanDisk Ultra 32GB microSDHC UHS-I Card with Adapter, Grey/Red, Standard Packaging (SDSQUNC-032G-GN6MA)

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

Dagaalkii dhex maray ciidanka cirka Soomaaliyeed iyo kuwa Ethiopia 1977

Dagaalkii dhex maraya ciidanka cirka Soomaaliyeed iyo kuwa Ethiopia 1977. Waxaad la ilmayndoontaa xusuusta iyo awooddii uu mar lahaa dalka Soomaaliya. Wiilashii dayaaradahaas waday maanta cidna ma is weydiisay halka ay ku dambeeyeen iyo xaaladaha ay ku sugan yihiin?

DHIB IYO DHEEF- Saldhigga Militari ee Turkigu ka sameysanayo Soomaaliya

DHIB IYO DHEEF- Saldhigga Militari ee Turkigu ka sameysanayo Soomaaliya (Bandhigga Nadaara)

Taariikhda wasiirrada cusub ee xukuumadda Soomaaliya

Taariikhda wasiirrada cusub ee xukuumadda Soomaaliya

Mudane Farmaajo" Waxaan codsanayaa in Waasiirrada la soo dhisay la ansaxiyo lalana xisaabtamo

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa u jeediyay Soomaalida ku nool Nairobi khadbad aad u sarreeysay ee uu  ugaga hadlay dhinacyo badan oo ku saabsan maamulkiisa iyo wasiirrada cusub ee la soo dhisay, wuxuuna codsaday in la ansaxiyo lalana xisaabtamo.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Jewish Israeli American man arrested in connection to bomb threats again...

Israeli-American man arrested in connection to bomb threats against Jewish centers


Si looga gudbo qodxaha waxaa asal ah in la dhiso moraalka ciidamada.
Suxufi Walaayo

Inkastoo ay degdeg tahay in laga faaloodo waxtarka laga filayo iyo dib-u-dhaca ku imaan karo mustaqbalka, xukuumada cusub., haddane wadada hor taala waa mid qodxo badan oo si qodxaas loo dhaafo ay dhibkeeda leedahay una baahan tahay geesinimo iyo daacadnimo..
Dalka waxaa ka jira dhibaatooyin badan oo ay ugu horeyso xasilinta amaanka dalka guud ahaan iyo kan caasimada gaar ahaan oo dhiiga dadweynaha uu maalin walba ay daadinayaan xoogagga nabadiidka,

Qiyaas 8 sano ku siman ayaa laga jooga markii ay xoogagga nabadiidka dagaallada hubeysan ka bilaabeen caasimadda ayagoo geystay falal argagax leh oo isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac.
Ciidanka NISA

Ciidamada iaalinta nabadgelyada `` Law enforcement Agencies`` oo isugu jira dhamaan ciidamada qalabka sida, waxay muujiyeen dadaal iyo naf-huridnimo laakinse waxay weli awoodi waayeen inay meel saaraan kuwa nabada qarbudaya. Waxa ugu wacan inay in ciidamadu ay hawshooda gudan waayayan dayac ka soo gaaray maamulkii hore ee meesha banneeyay oo si cad qalb jab ku riday ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed.

Erayada ciilka iyo calowyowga baday ciidanka waxa ka mid ahaa markii Madaxweynihii hore uu meel ay ku shirsanayeen saraakiil sare oo qaarkood ay Jannano yihiin uu si caro leh ugu yiri: `` QOFKII AAN RAALI KU AHAYEEN INUU QAATO BOQOL DOLLAR BISHII HA ISKA TAGO´´.

Ciidamada Gaashaaman

Ma rabo inaan ku dheeraado dhibaatada moraal jabka ee ciidanka soo gaartay, waxaase xukumada cusub looga fadhiya inay wax ka qabato sugidda amniga qaranka guud ahaan iyo gaar ahaan shacabka ku dhaqan Muqdisho oo ay hadda birtu saaran tahay.

Wax walba oo gacanta xukuumadda ku jira waa in loo jeediya ammaanka dalka iyo daryeelka dadka ay abaartu wax yeeleysay.

Xukuumada cusub waa inay ayadu qaaddaa doorka horseednimada ee dalka lagu badbaadinayo. Waa inay qayb weyn oo ka mid ah mushaarkooda ugu deeqaan dadka ay abaaruhu ku dhufteen si ay tusaale ugu noqdaan dadweynaha ay xilka u hayaan,

Waa iga talo wax kalena ugama jeedo. Xaasha Lillah!

Hab-maamuus sarreeya ayaa loogu soo dhoweeyay madaxweyne Farmaajo madaxtooyada dalka Kenya.

Hab-maamuus sarreeya ayaa loogu soo dhoweeyay madaxweyne Farmaajo madaxtooyada dalka Kenya.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

BREAKING: Trump set to travel to Brussels for NATO talks in May after Tillerson 'SNUB'

DONALD Trump will make his first visit to Europe as President when he attends a Nato summit in May.

Trump will travel to Europe for Nato talks in May
The meeting, planned for May 25, is set to be held in Brussels and comes after Trump vowed to force other members to increase their financial input to the military alliance.
The news comes after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson proposed new dates for a Nato meeting amid plans to skip talks scheduled for April 5-6.
A White House statement said: "The president looks forward to meeting with his NATO counterparts to reaffirm our strong commitment to Nato, and to discuss issues critical to the alliance, especially allied responsibility-sharing and Nato's role in the fight against terrorism.”
The statement added that the President is set to welcome Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to the White House on April 12 to discuss "how to strengthen the alliance to cope with challenges to national and international security”.
Mr Tillerson’s decision has reportedly unsettled European leaders and raised questions over US commitment to the alliance.
Instead of meeting fellow Nato ministers, Mr Tillerson plans to stay in the US to attend Trump’s meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping before visiting Russia later in April.

BREAKING: Powerful 6.4 earthquake RIPS through tourist hotspot Bali

The quake hit south of the capital Denpasar at around 7am local time (00.00 GMT) and is believed to have been felt up to 170 miles away.
A resident told local media: “Woke us up. Bed shaking, windows rattling. Was stronger than normal, probably shook for about 60 seconds.”

WORLD ON THE BRINK: North Korea to launch 'powerful missiles AT ANY MOMENT', US fears

KIM Jong-un is preparing to launch several devastating missiles at any moment, US officials have warned.

North Korea are in the midst of preparing missile attacks, US officials have claimed

Missile launchers have been spotted moving across the hermit kingdom alerting officials of potential nuclear activity.

This has triggered the US to ramp up their surveillance of North Korea, according to anonymous military sources.
Satellites, drones and other aircraft carriers have been used to monitor the region of Wonsan, within eastern North Korea.
Washington’s warning comes after a Pyongyang envoy said the nation is preparing a deadly “strike first” missile system as it continues to “accelerate” its nuclear weapon programme.
Choe Myong Nam, deputy ambassador at the North Korean mission to the United Nations in Geneva said the development of inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBM), capable of striking the US, are being prioritised.
Despite warnings from Donald Trump’s administrations, Ms Nam said the hermit state is not afraid of being treated for more strictly than under Barack Obama’s presidency.
She added: “I think this is stemming from the visit by the Secretary of State [Rex Tillerson] to Japan, South Korea and China. We of course are not afraid of any act like that.
"Even prohibition of the international transactions system, the global financial system, this kind of thing is part of their system that will not frighten us or make any difference."
On Monday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said America's "patience is over" with North Korea, in reaction to its latest rocket engine test on Sunday.
Speaking at a news briefing, Mr Spicer said there is “growing concern” about the nuclear capabilities of the rogue communist nation.

Funny Lion laughing FUNNY Video

Funny Lion laughing  FUNNY Video

Monday, March 20, 2017


FULL HEARING TODAY: Trey Gowdy DESTROYS James Comey "WIRETAP"  3-20-17



Mudane Sakariye oo si kulul uga hadlay xaluulashada Uhuru Kenyata Madaxweynaya Kenya

Mudane Sakariye oo si kulul uga hadlay xaluulashada Uhuru Kenyata Madaxweynaya Kenya

German Defence minister fires back at Donald Trump's tweet it owes 'vast sums' to Nato

GERMAN Defence Minister Ursula Von der Leyen has rejected Donald Trump's claim that Germany owes "vast sums" of money to Nato and the US.

German Defence Minister Ursula Von der Leyen has rejected Donald Trump's claim on their debt
Ms Von der Lyn said in a statement: “There is no debt account at Nato."
She added that it was wrong to link the alliance’s target for members to spend two per cent of their economic output on defence by 2024 to Nato.
"Defence spending also goes into UN peacekeeping missions into our European missions and into our contribution to the fight against ISIS terrorism.”
Donald Trump met German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the White House
The German Finance minister was forced to respond to the US president after he tweeted on Saturday that Germany owes "vast sums" of money.
Mr Trump took to Twitter, a day after he met German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the White House and tweeted: "Germany owes vast sums of money to Nato & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defence it provides to Germany!”
But the Defence minister rubbished his claims and fired back at him while the president spent the weekend lounging at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

President Uhuru makes surprise visit to Somalia, rubs shoulders with KDF

President Uhuru makes surprise visit to Somalia, rubs shoulders with KDF

President Uhuru makes surprise visit to Somalia, rubs shoulders with KDF

President Uhuru makes surprise visit to Somalia, rubs shoulders with KDF

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Trump says Kim Jong-un 'acting very, very badly' as North Korea ready to fire NUKES at US

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has accused Kim Jong-un of “acting very, very badly” after the North Korean leader said he was ready to fire nuclear weapons at the United States.
Donald Trump said North Korea's dictator Kim Jong-un was 'acting very, very badly'
Mr Trump hit out at the hermit nation’s leader as he departed his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida where he spent the weekend.
He revealed North Korea’s actions this weekend, which has seen it claiming to test a new nuclear-enabled rocket, have been the focus of meetings at the “southern White House” over the past few days, among other issues.
Earlier today the North’s foreign ministry released a statement saying its army will “reduce the bases of aggression and provocation to ashes” with its “invincible” rockets tipped with nuclear warheads to defend its “people’s happiness”.
Statements from dictator Kim Jong-un’s government often do not name countries specifically, but in a bid to show he is serious, the foreign ministry said the US and the South Korean “puppet forces” will be hit before they can “fire even a single bullet” at North Korea.
In a statement, North Korea’s Foreign Ministry said: "The Korean People’s Army will reduce the bases of aggression and provocation to ashes with its invincible Hwasong rockets tipped with nuclear warheads and reliably defend the security of the country and its people’s happiness in case the US and the South Korean puppet forces fire even a single bullet at the territory of the DPRK."
Fears Kim Jong-un is ready to launch a nuclear weapon are increasing as statements from the country have become more direct and aggressive following an announcement on Friday by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson the period of diplomatic patience with the dictatorship is officially over.
In a total switch from previous policy, Mr Tillerson said: “Let me be very clear: the policy of strategic patience has ended. We are exploring a new range of security and diplomatic measures. All options are on the table.
"If they elevate the threat of their weapons programme to a level that we believe requires action, that 
Kim Jong-un wasted no time in retaliating, and last night said he had tested a new rocket launch station which is the “new birth” of North Korea’s missile industry.
Satellite images this afternoon revealed “substantial” tunnel excavation at the country’s nuclear test site, suggesting a bigger blast is being prepared.
  North Korea’s watchdog, 38 North, said the deeper the tunnel goes beneath Mount Mantap, the bigger the blast which can be contained there during testing.
The newly developed high-thrust engine will help the country achieve world-class satellite launch capability, according to the country’s official media service KCNA.
Kim Jong-un laughed as the rocket test went ahead
North Korea has claimed to be testing more and more nuclear warheads
The barbaric leader has claimed the country is close to testing an intercontinental ballistic missile, and news of the rocket engine test indicates North Korea could be close to developing effective long-range missiles.
KCNA reported: "He [Kim] noted that the success made in the current test marked a great event of historic significance as it declared a new birth of the Juche-based rocket industry.”

USA vs RUSSIA & CHINA Military Inventory Comparison

USA vs RUSSIA & CHINA  Military Inventory Comparison

Kaftanka Siyaasadda iyo Cali Xaraare iyo saaxiibkiis Yaasiin

Kaftanka Siyaasadda iyo Cali Xaraare iyo saaxiibkiis Yaasiin

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Orly airport attack: Terror investigation after man killed while trying ...

Orly airport attack: Terror investigation after man killed while trying to grab soldier’s gun

"He was holding soldier by neck" - eyewitnesses to Paris-Orly attack - B...

BREAKING: Paris Airport attacker revealed as terrorist

Ziyed Ben Belgacem

French-born national Ziyed Ben Belgacem was shot dead after he attempted to snatch a military policewoman's gun inside the French capital's main airport this morning, at about 8.30am.

The Paris prosecutor revealed in a press conference this evening, as he grabbed the gun, he shouted: "Put your weapons down, hands on your head.

"I am here to die for Allah, there will be deaths." They upgraded their investigation from a criminal one to a terrorist attack as they revealed three people - his cousin, father and brother - are being held in police custody.

François Molins, the chief prosecutor, said Belgacem threw a gasoline canister to the ground then attacked the female soldier, who had a handgun in her right hand and a bag over her shoulder.
He attempted to grab the gun with his left arm and shoved her backwards. Belgacem was then shot dead by two other soldiers before he could do anything.
The capital's prosecutor said Belgacem was on probation for burglarly at the time of the attack and was prohibited from leaving the country.
He added the criminal's choice of target and signs of his radicalisation justified treating the attack as a terrorism investigation.
Earlier in the day the 39-year-old had shot at police at a roadside check point in the Saint Denis suburb of Paris just before 7am.
Police chased his black Renault Clio car before he dumped it and he later stole another car which he drove to Orly Airport before attempting to grab the police gun and then running into a McDonald's after he failed.
He was then shot dead in the main airport thoroughfare. The attack came as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge met survivors of the 2015 Paris attacks in the capital.
France's anti-terror prosecutors took over the case this morning and his father and brother handed themselves over to police who are questioning them. The 39-year-old had previously been flagged for possible radicalism.
A search of his home turned up machetes, foreign currencies and cocaine, the prosecutor added.
Born in 1978, Belgacem was well-known to police, with nine offences on his criminal record which mainly included narcotics and aggravated burglary offences.
He had not been included on the Terrorist Radicalisation Prevention Reporting File, although police initially said he was a radicalised Muslim - then took back their comments and have now reiterated them.
Following the Paris attacks in November 2015 by ISIS jihadis, Belgacem's Paris home was searched.

World War 3: Japan launches rocket in retaliation for North Korea missile barrage


Aar Maanta, Maryan Mursal iyo fannaaniin kale oo caalami ah (Dangerous Crossing- Yemen)

Aar Maanta, Maryan Mursal iyo fannaaniin kale  oo caalami ah (Dangerous Crossing- Yemen)

Think before making the dangerous crossing to Yemen, musicians urge

The recording artists who performed ‘Dangerous Crossings’, a UNHCR-produced song raising awareness of the dangers of migrating to Yemen, are photographed in the studio. Photo: UNCHR/Timothy Kaldas
Ana Carmo

During 2016 more than 117,000 refugees arrived in war-stricken Yemen, according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), despite the escalating conflict there.
Many were lured by smugglers to take a perilous boat journey from Africa, across the Gulf of Aden, or the Red Sea, in search of a better future.
UN figures released on Wednesday show that an estimated 17 million people in Yemen are going hungry and more than 2 million have been displaced.
UNHCR recently launched a major campaign called "Dangerous Crossings" to highlight the horrendous conditions and rising risks on trying to reach Yemen.
The campaign's enlisted the support of musicians from across the region, led by the renowned singer and former refugee herself, Maryam Mursal.

Gabayo Roobtuug ah

Golaha abwaannada Soomaaliyeed oo maanta qorraxda ugu soo baxay iney Rabbi ka baryaan Raxmaddiisa iyo roob.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

75 xildhibaan oo mooshin ka keenay Shariif Xasan madaxweynaha koofur-galbeed

75 xildhibaan oo ka tirsan baarlamaannka baarlamaanka maamulka Koofur Galbeed ayaa sheegay inay saxiixeen, islamarkaana ay baarlamaanka u gudbinayaan mooshin ka dhan ah madaxweynaha maamulkaasi Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan. 
Sharif Xasan
Mooshinkan ayaa lagu wadaa inuu qabsoomo bishan Maarso 20keeda 2017, kaasoo lagu eedeynayo madaxweynaha iyo maamulkiisa iney ka seexdeen masu`uuliyaddoodii, iyadoo weliba iminka la maryo xilli adag oo ay dadka gaaj, harraad iyo cudurro ay u dhimanayaan. 
Xildhibaanada ayaa sheegay inay rajeynayaan in mooshinkan uu baarlamanka dood ka yeesho labaatanka bishan, ayaga oo guddoonka baarlamanka ugu baaqay inuu xildhibaanada u furo hoolka baarlamanka.

Uk Foreign secretary Boris Johnson picking and packing in Somalia drought relief efforts

Uk Foreign secretary Boris Johnson picking and packing in Somalia drought relief efforts



What's next for Trump's revised travel ban

 This time, a judge in Hawaii has concerns about the legality of an executive order affecting six Muslim-majority nations. CBS 2's Jeremy Ross reports.

Nimcaan Hillaac oo lagu xiray dalka Suudaan. SABAB?

Waxay booliiska dalka Suudaan xabsiga u taxaabeen Nimcaan Hillaac oo ah fannaan dhallinyaro ah oo aad loo jecelayahay. Faahfaafinta ka dhegeyso halkan.

Armed Somali pirates demand ransom for hijacked oil tanker

Armed men have stormed an oil tanker off the coast of Somalia, in what is the first hijacking in the region for five years.
Dozens of armed pirates are feared to be on board the tanker. Pic: EU Naval Force

By Connor Sephton

Armed Somali pirates who have hijacked an oil tanker with eight crew on board are demanding a ransom for the vessel's release.
Most of the sailors being held captive have been locked in a room, with lines of communication cut off to frustrate any rescue attempts.
The tanker has now been anchored near the Somali town of Alula, and a local elder says "more armed men have boarded the ship".
Weapon smugglers are known to operate in Alula, as well as members of al Shabaab, an extremist group with links to al Qaeda.
The hijacking began on Monday when the captain of Aris 13 sent a mayday alert as two skiffs closed in on the tanker in the Gulf of Aden.
Although the EU Naval Force made several attempts to make contact with the captain, they only received confirmation last night that armed pirates had stormed the ship and were demanding an unspecified ransom.
This is the first hijacking in the region for five years, and maritime experts have accused ship owners of becoming complacent after a long period of calm.
In October, the United Nations warned that the situation remained fragile, and Somali pirates still "possess the intent and capability to resume attacks".
Local aid groups said pirates in the region were still engaged in criminal activity, and had been waiting to "exploit the weakness" of ships that took unnecessary risks.
According to Oceans Against Piracy, Aris 13 was on a high-risk route, which is often used to save time and money.
"This attack reinforces the need for vessels to follow shipping industry best management practices within the specified high risk area," the organisation said.
The eight crew on board are all Sri Lankan nationals, and the country's foreign ministry said it is working to help ensure their "safety and welfare".
Pirates do not normally kill hostages unless they come under attack.
Families of the crew members have appealed to the pirates to release their loved ones unharmed, and said they fear for their relatives' lives.
Namali Makalandawa, the sister of the tanker's chief officer, said they have tried to phone the offices of the company which owns the ship - but their calls have gone unanswered.
Local residents say young men in Alula, where the tanker is now anchored, have turned to piracy because their livelihoods had been "destroyed" by foreign fishermen.
"They have been sailing through the ocean in search for a foreign ship … and found this ship and boarded it," Salad Nur told the Associated Press.
The ship's owner has not publicly commented on the hijacking.