Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Senior journalist Walayo
The 16-year-old so-called professional Federal system of government in Somalia which has not been yet sent for popular referendum shows signs that the system has no room for Somalia to the effect that isn't received any popular acclamation throughout the country.
Controversy is still hovering over the recently-established regional administrations under the pseudo-Federalism because of the systems' contraversy. The so-called "Federalism" failed to cure the national ills and develop the country in terms of both sustainable economy, political stability as well as national security and viable reconciliation.
The reason why the system isn't applicable into Somalia political fabric it's because it's engineered by foreign powers who have vested interested to war-ridden Somalia and brokered by colonial-hired local stooges. Without enjoying the grass-root popular support those who run country since the year 2000 imposed the people a non-existent alien system unlike the system they knew since independence in 1960 which was "DECENTRALISED UNITARY STATE.
May Allah rests his soul in eternal peace, the late Prime Minister Abdirazak Haji Hussein affirmed that Federal system has no place in modern Somalia. He said Somalia should pursue a unitary state system of governance with regional strong autonomy. All Regions should independently run they own public administration and judiciary while the central government supervises the progress of the regions. It should provide moral and material assistance if need arises.
The late Abdulrazak Haji Hussein's legacy will be written in the golden pages of Somali History. I'm sorry to say that He was a Puntlander and loved Somalia and its people at heart. So why the new generation of Puntlanders are so obsessed of preferring federalism as I'm fully aware that Puntland still have tens of thousands of the late Abdulrazak caliber and could produce more in the very near future equipped with academic excellence, In Sha Allah.
In 1991 when the military regime was ousted the country descended into a tribal war which claimed the lives of thousands of Somali people and sent almost over a million to refugees. A century old economic development in the country was completely destroyed. As I'm now writing this report Somali people of different age are still languishing the chilly environment in Europe, the Americas and other parts of the world. Some these people are internally displaced people in their own country locked with civil war and devastating famine that devoured their basic livelihood.
Do we think other alternative solution for these problems rather than federalism or the worst "secessionist". No way, We should have a just solution to these persistent national catastrophe
With leading role of President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed and Prime Minister Hassan Ali Kheyre the government should spearhead a home-grown national reconciliation plan to bring together all Somali traditional and religious leaders and people from all shades of political spectrum so as to put to an end the national multi-facated problems.
A Decentralized Unitary State is one in which sovereign power and authority lies with the central government, but within which, for reasons of administrative convenience, and to underpin it legitimacy by widespread popular support, the government devolves many of the functions of government, to regional and/or local authorities.
External Affairs
(i) Single international personality for purposes of representation, treaty-making, etc
(ii) Unified citizenship
(iii) Unified external economic policy
(iv) Strong defense as the result of the central government's monopoly over the army forces
(v) Economies of scale in defense and diplomatic representation
There are also some additional advantages, viz
(vi) Inability of external powers and/or private interest to interfere by playing off local against central interest or vice versa.
(i) Economies of scale for administrative and state-wide service
(II) Unified administrative and judicial services and correspondingly cohesive policies
(iii) Fiscal equalization at the national level
(iv) Greater re-distributive capacity
(v) Ability to harmonize laws
(vi) Potential for nation-wide mobilization.
The federal system works the other way round and it accommodate foreign interference which can put into jeoprady the national independence and sovereignty

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