Saturday, September 30, 2017

Turkey unveils its biggest military base in Somalia

Turkey unveils its biggest military base in Somalia



Liin-dhahaanta iyo faaiidooyinka faraha badan ee la ogaaday

Liin-dhahaanta iyo faaiidooyinka faraha badan ee la ogaaday

Dawooyin cajiib ah oo aanad ogayn halkan ka daawo ( ahmed saciim)

Dawooyin  cajiib ah oo aanad  ogayn   halkan ka daawo ( ahmed   saciim)

Huruuda ama kurkumka iyo caano caafimaad aan la ogayn halkan ka ...

Huruuda ama  kurkumka   iyo   caano   caafimaad aan la ogayn  halkan ka ...

Cuntooyn jidhka ka saaraya infectionka halkan ka daawo ( ahmed sa...

Cuntooyn   jidhka   ka saaraya  infectionka  halkan ka daawo  ( ahmed sa...

Toon iyo caano la isku darey mucjiso caafimaad halkan ka daawo ( ah...

Toon iyo  caano  la isku darey  mucjiso  caafimaad  halkan ka daawo ( ah..

Maxaad ka taqaana faaiidooyinka cafimaad ee ka buuxa fil filsha kulul...

Maxaad ka  taqaana  faaiidooyinka cafimaad ee ka buuxa fil filsha  kulul...

Diirka ama qolofta xab xabka ha tuurin waa dawo halkan ka daawo ( ...

Diirka ama qolofta xab xabka  ha tuurin  waa dawo  halkan ka daawo   (  ...

5 xanuun oo lagu daweeyo basasha halkan ka daawo ( ahmed sa...

5  xanuun oo  lagu   daweeyo   basasha   halkan  ka daawo   (  ahmed  sa...

6 cunto oo u fiican caafimaadka indhaha halkan ka daawo ( ahmed...

6  cunto oo  u fiican   caafimaadka  indhaha   halkan ka daawo   ( ahmed...

xasuusta maskaxda maxaa kordhiya ? halkan ka daawo ( ahmed s...

xasuusta  maskaxda  maxaa   kordhiya ?     halkan  ka  daawo  ( ahmed  s...





Ka Sifeey Beerkaaga Sunta iyo Wasakhda

Ka Sifeey Beerkaaga Sunta iyo Wasakhda



6 Cunto Oo Si Dabiiciya U Nadiifiya Beerka !

6 Cunto Oo Si Dabiiciya U Nadiifiya Beerka !

Waxyaabo Aynu Inta Badan Samayno Oo Kalyaha Dhaawac U Gaysta | KA TAXADIR

Waxyaabo Aynu Inta Badan Samayno Oo Kalyaha Dhaawac U Gaysta | KA TAXADIR

OJ Simpson will 'eat steak and get new iPhone' after prison release

Saturday September 30, 2017
OJ Simpson is looking forward to eating steak and getting a new iPhone, after his release from prison next week, his lawyer said.

Malcolm LaVergne said he expected his client to be released from a Nevada jail "a few days" after Sunday, the first eligible date for him to be paroled.
Simpson, 70, has spent nine years behind bars following a 2008 armed robbery and kidnapping case.

Mr LaVergne told ABC Simpson wants to see his family and enjoy "the very simple pleasures" of life, including eating seafood and steak and getting a new iPhone.

The former American football star and actor was acquitted of the 1994 killings of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. He was later found liable for their deaths in civil court.

Simpson plans to live in Florida and play golf following his release.

Mr LaVergne told KTNV-TV in Las Vegas: "He is getting very, very excited. He's feeling very upbeat. He's had perfect performance as a prisoner. I anticipate he's going to have perfect performance as a parolee."

Woman shares traumatic FGM secret and a bond is formed

Saturday September 30, 2017

A Canadian woman, who was taken abroad during a vacation at the age of six to undergo female genital mutilation.  (RANDY RISLING / TORONTO STAR) | ORDER THIS PHOTO 

OTTAWA—When Malaika was 6, she travelled with her family on an airplane for the first time, on a summer vacation to Somalia to see her aunts, uncles and cousins.

While there, she was rounded up with other girls in the village and taken into a stranger’s living room, where her genitals were cut with a razor blade.

Now in her early 20s and pursuing a post-secondary degree, Malaika, who was born and raised in the Ottawa area, says she was told by family members to not speak about the cutting. For about 15 years she kept the secret.

“I just felt really, really lonely,” she says.

That was until two months ago, when she read Yasmin Mumed’s story, published in the Star. Yasmin is a 24-year-old recent graduate of the University of Guelph who was subjected to female genital mutilation in her native Ethiopia when she was 6. Three years later, she immigrated to Canada.

On a recent day in August, the women met and spoke about their shared experiences and desire to see other girls spared from the same fate.

The Star is not revealing Malaika’s real name and has withheld some details that could identify her. She asked that her identity be concealed because she is not comfortable sharing intimate details publicly. She has also never addressed what happened with her family and is concerned about receiving criticism from her community.

She worried that photographs showing even the colour of her nail polish or the hijab she often wears could offer clues to her identity to those closest to her.

“A lot of women praise the procedure despite its negative health-related side effects,” she says. “I don’t agree with what happened to me or the practice being done to millions of women across the globe. (But) I feel like coming out not agreeing with it would be like siding against my community.”

A continuing Star investigation has revealed the federal government is aware of cases in which Canadian girls have been sent abroad and subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM). The term often used to describe what happens to these children is “vacation cutting.”

There is no reliable data on the prevalence of the problem here, but officials from Global Affairs Canada say “a few thousand” Canadian girls could be at risk, “some of whom will be taken overseas for the procedure,” according to a 2015 internal email obtained by the Star.

Recent evidence also suggests FGM may be happening on Canadian soil, including a report that found two women from a small Muslim sect called the Dawoodi-Bohras who reported being cut here.

Since 1997, it has been illegal in Canada to subject a child to FGM. It is also illegal to remove them from the country for the same purpose.

Although federal government ministers have called the practice “abhorrent and unacceptable,” experts say Canada lags behind other developed countries, like the United Kingdom, which has dedicated charities and government agencies collecting statistics, administering education campaigns and taking other proactive measures, such as programs designed to identify potential victims at the airport.

“It just makes me the most mad,” says Malaika. She is measured and thoughtful with her words.

“There was a possibility for this to not happen to me. It doesn’t mean that just because you were born in a westernized country that it’s not going to happen.”

FGM has no health benefits. It can cause severe bleeding, problems with urination and later cysts, infections, as well as complications in childbirth and increased risk of newborn deaths, according to the World Health Organization. It can also deny women sexual pleasure.

It varies from partial removal of the clitoris to its most severe form, a procedure known as infibulation, in which the clitoris and labia are excised and the vulva stitched together, leaving only a small opening.

Today, Malaika remembers little about her cutting.

She knows it happened without any explanation or warning. She remembers only that other girls in the village were coming in and out of a living room in someone’s home, one at a time. She’s blocked out her memory of the procedure, except pain. Afterward, she recalled, the family continued with the vacation as if nothing happened.

She doesn’t know for certain, but she believes her mother did not plan to have her cut before they left. “I think it’s just something in the moment. That it was a pressure thing,” she says. “And maybe other girls . . . were doing it as well, so I guess it would look kind of weird if they didn’t.”

She has never spoken with her father about what happened, and does not know if he is aware.

FGM is known to be practised in 29 countries — most commonly in Africa, but also in other places like Indonesia and India. It is seen by some as a rite of passage into womanhood or a condition of marriage. It occurs in both Islamic and Christian communities, but is largely a cultural tradition that dates back hundreds of years. In many areas, there is huge social pressure on families to have their daughters cut.

When Malaika returned to Canada from her summer vacation, she pushed any memories aside until high school, when students in her class began to learn about and discuss FGM and “how it was done in specific areas in Africa.”

“That’s when I realized it had happened to me,” she says.

“It just made me more sad. I was always saying, ‘Why am I being punished for this?’. . . On my confidence I think it hit the most there because you’re constantly reminded that you’re not like everyone else. This is something that’s going to follow you for the rest of your life.”

In August, around the same time Malaika was working up the courage to confide in a close girlfriend, she found Yasmin’s story in the Star. She read that Yasmin had made some peace with her cutting and that she is now pursuing reconstructive surgery in the United States. Malaika decided to confide in her friend.

“It took my whole life to tell her about it,” she says, adding that her friend encouraged her to reach out to Yasmin, so she could speak with someone who had been through the same thing.

Malaika got in touch with Yasmin on Instagram and the pair connected by phone. Their first conversation lasted more than two hours. About two weeks later, they met, after Yasmin drove, along with two Star journalists, to Ottawa to meet her.

Just talking to Yasmin and “(knowing) there is a way we can move on from this and also help other people deal with it” has been helpful, said Malaika as they chatted on the bank of the Ottawa River, the Parliament buildings in the background. “I felt like someone understood me for the very first time.”

Their stories have striking similarities.

Like Malaika, Yasmin kept her cutting a secret from those closest to her. She, too, buried the memories until her teens, when she started having flashbacks of women holding down her arms and legs, of a brand-new pink embroidered dress her grandmother had bought her covered in blood.

Like Malaika, she felt alone. She searched for services in the Toronto area where she grew up: a support group, specialized health-care professionals, an organization that focuses on FGM. She found nothing and had a negative experience with a local gynecologist, who she says told her she didn’t need reconstructive surgery because she had not been cut enough to cause problems with going to the bathroom or giving birth.

The federal Justice Department recently gave $350,000 to a small Quebec organization to fight FGM in at-risk communities. Other than that, experts say there are few support services available for women living with the physical and psychological effects of FGM, regardless of when and where it happened to them.

Recent data from the province’s Ministry of Health offers a glimpse into the prevalence of women living with the effects — it shows Ontario doctors have performed 308 surgeries to reverse infibulations in the past seven years.

There is no medical procedure in Canada that aims to give women back sensation. Yasmin and Malaika are now pursuing a reconstructive surgery offered by a doctor in California. The surgery, which is controversial because some medical professionals have questioned whether it works, removes the scar tissue from the clitoris and cuts ligaments around it, allowing it to descend, in the hopes of giving the woman back some feeling.

Both are clear about why they want the surgery. They want to make their own decisions with their bodies. They want to try to get something back that was taken away without their consent.

Yasmin, who after much deliberation decided to speak publicly about what happened to her, says she did not do so to demonize her family (her beloved grandmother, who took her to be cut, believed it was what was best for her), but to take the issue out of the shadows.

About a week after her story was published, a man from her Oromo ethnic group recognized her at an Ethiopian restaurant. He’d been carrying around a copy of the Star and pulled it out to show her. He told her he was proud of her for speaking out.

Recently, she received a message from her mother, who read her story and called to say that she supports her and wants to travel with her to California when she gets the surgery.

Yasmin says the main reason she spoke out, though, was to reach young women like Malaika.

“I thought . . . I’m going to do it even if I reach one person,” she says to Malaika as they sit on the river bank. “I was like ‘there is somebody out there like me who grew up here who feels so different than like her peers’ . . . When you reached out to me I was like ‘this is it. This is what I did it for.’ ”

Malaika hopes that by sharing her story, she can do the same.

“I definitely think me reaching out to Yasmin will pave the way for other girls,” she says. “As Yasmin told me, this is not something that defines us.”

Jayme Poisson can be reached at or (416) 814-2725

Turkey opens its largest overseas military base in Africa

Saturday September 30, 2017

Turkish military officers parade during the opening ceremony of a Turkish military base in Mogadishu, Somalia September 30, 2017 © Feisal Omar / Reuters

Turkey has launched a major military base in Somalia. The $50 million facility is designed to provide support and training to troops of the war-torn country which is struggling to rebuild its national security forces.
Turkey opened the new military training facility south of Somalia’s capital city Mogadishu Saturday. Senior officials, including Turkey's Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar and Somalia’s Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire attended the opening ceremony, which is expected to house and train at least 1,000 soldiers at a time.
Waxaan maanta xariga ka jaray dugsi cusub oo lagu tababaridoono ciidamadeena oo ey noo dhiseen dowladda eynu wallalaga nahay
— Hassan Ali Khaire (@somaliaMP) September 30, 2017
The facility is Turkey’s biggest overseas military base, the Somali PM said. Khaire added that the training facility will help Somalia to “reconstruct” a truly national force “not based on clan... not from a particular place, but well-trained forces that represent the Somali people.”
Maanta wuxuu dalkeenu ku socdaa jidkii horumarka iyo dhismaha ciidanka, si taas loo xaqiijiyo waa in la helaa ciidan difaaca dalka
— Hassan Ali Khaire (@somaliaMP) September 30, 2017
The base, spread over 4 square kilometers, has been under construction for the past two years, and cost some $50 million, according to media reports.
Despite the optimistic tone of the officials, the situation in the country, which has been in turmoil for decades, remains fragile. An insurgency, spearheaded by the al-Shabaab terrorist group persists. On Thursday, at least 7 people were killed in Mogadishu, when an explosive device went off near the Hamarweyne market.
Just ahead of the opening of the Turkish base, jihadist militants attacked a government military facility outside the capital killing some 17 soldiers. The militants breached the base’s defenses with suicide car bombs and seized control of the site along with a nearby town.

Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka iyo madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Galmudug oo la sheegay in xilka laga qaaday

Sabti, September, 30,2017 (HOL) -- Xiisada siyaasadeed ee Galmudug ayaa u muuqata mid cirka isku shareertay kaddib markii xildhibaanno ka tirsan baarlamaanka Galmudug oo kulan ku yeeshay Cadaado sheegeen in ay xilkii ka qaadeen madaxweyne ku-xigeenka iyo guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Galmudug.
Kulan Xildhibaanada caawa ku yeesheen madaxtooyada Cadaado ayaa waxay ku sheegeen inay xilalka ka qaadeen guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Cali Gacal Casir iyo Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Maxamed Xaashi Carabey.
Xildhibaanada xilka ka qaaday guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ayaa tiradooda lagu sheegay 52 Xildhibaan, halka madaxweyne ku-xigeenka la sheegay Isagana in ay xilka ka qaadeen 49 Xildhibaan , labo xildhibaan ka aamustay, 1 xildhibaan uu diiday, sida uu ku dhawaaqay Guddoomiye kuxigeenka 1aad ee baarlamaanka Xareed Cali Xareed
Arrintan ayaa u muuqata mid uga sii dareysa khilaafkii siyaasadeed ee markii horeba ka jiray Galmudug,  madaama horay sidan oo kale xildhibaanno ugu shiray Cadaado ku dhawaaqeen in ay xilkii ka qaadeen madaxweyne Xaaf.
Xildhibaannada xilka ka qaaday madaxweynaha ayaa maanta uga dhawaaqay Cadaado guddi sida ay sheegeen ka soo shaqeyn doona doorashada madaxweynaha Galmudug.
Go’aamada ka soo baxay labada dhinac ee iska soo horjeeda ayaa u muuqda kuwo meesha ka saaraya gabi ahaanba jiritaanka maamulka Galmudug oo dhinac walba uu sheeganayo in uu xilka ka qaaday mas’uuliyiinta ugu sareysa maamulka.
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thaabit oo xafiiskiisa ku Qaabilay Dhallinyaradii laheyd gaarigii ay Shalay AMISOM ku Bur-buriyeen KM4

Arbaco, September, 27, 2017 (HOL) –Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Banaadir ahna duqu Muqdisho Thaabit Cabdi ayaa la kulmay Dhalinyaro iska laheyd gaari shalay isgoyska km4 ay ku burburiyeen ciidamada  Amisom.

Gudoomiye Taabid ayaa yiri" Alxamdulilah Hadaa nabad qabtaan waxana idin balan qadayaa in aad dhawaan heli dontaan cadaalad" Guddoomiyaha ayaa bartiisa Facebook soo dhigay qoraalkaan:

" Waxaan la kullanay muwaadiniintii ay dhibka u geysteen ciidamada Amisom. Alxamdulilah way nabad qabaan, cadaaladna way helidoonaan dhawaan"

Dhalinyarada iska leheyd gaari ay sida gar darada ah u jireen ciidamada Amisom ayaa uga Mahad celiyay Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Banaadir sida geesinimada leh uu har & habeen u garab tagaan yahay bulshada Gobalka.

Kulanka uu Thaabit la yeeshay dhallinyaradaan ayaa imaanayo kadib markii uu Shalay Guddoomiyaha sheegay inuusan raali ka aheyn kana noqon doonin in la dhibaateeyo shacabka Muqdisho. 

Mustafe Hussien



Historic War in Ugandan Parliament amid move to extend Museveni rule

Historic War in Ugandan Parliament amid move to extend Museveni rule

Mid kamid ah kalluunka ay Somalia caanka ku tahay oo ka soo caariyay Garacad iyo Maraakibta Jariifka oo dhaawac gaarsiiyay

Arbaco, September, 27, 2017 (HOL) –Xeebta degmada Garacad ee gobolka Mudug ayaa waxaa ka soo caariyay kalluun dheererkiisu yahay 10 mitir , isla markaana balaciisu uu gaarayo 4 mitir ,kaasi oo ay Soomaalidu u taqaano 'Muumin Saleebaan'.
Kalluunkan waxaa ka muuqday jirkiisa dhaawacyo la sheegay in ay gaarsiiyeen kaluumaysato ajaanib ah oo si sharci darro ah ku jooga xeebaha Somalia ,waxaana kuluunkan oo ay yartahay in la arko xaalad-diisa ka dayriyay dad ku sugan degmada.
"Dadka bad-da aadka u yaqiin magaciisa waxa ay ku sheegeen 'Muumin Saleebaan' waa bahal aan caado u lahayn in uu soo caariyo ,wax dhibaato ah-na dadka uma gaysto , dadka qaarna waxa ay leeyihiin waxa uu bad-baadiya dadka bad-da ku qaraqsama " ayuu yiri gudoomiyaha degmada Garacad C/laahi Jaamac Xirsi oo warbaahinta la hadlay.
"Waxaa dilay maraakiibta ajnabiga ah ,waxaa kaloo jira oo maraakiibtaas ay gaystaan ,tan koowaad qalabka bad-da la dhigo waa ay qaataan ,noolahana sida baahalkaas oo kale bey u laayaan arinta kale oo ay sameeyaan waxa ay tahay jariif bey bad-da dhigtaan goorta ay Markabka dul geeyaan-na xawayaanka inta ay uga baahan-yihin bey kala baxaan inta kalena waa ay soo daadiyaan " ayuu mar kale yiri gudoomiyaha.

Markaabiita jariifka ayaa sidoo kale la sheegay in ay bur-buriyaan goobaha gabaadka u ah xayawaanka sida Aargoosatada , qubada iyo khayraadka kale ee muhiimka u ah umad-da Soomaaliyeed.

Ugu danbayn, Maraakiibta Midowga Yurub ee ku sugan xeebaha Soomaliya ayaa sheegay in aysan ogolaansho u haysan in ay la dagaalamaan Maraakiibta Jariifka ,isla markaana kaliya ay shaqadooda tahay sidii kooxaha burcad- badeedka ah looga sifayn lahaa xeebaha Somalia. 
Faysal M. Hassan

Watch what happens when Black people walk in the streets of China

Watch what happens when Black people walk in the streets of China

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Maine gov orders sheriffs to honor immigration requests

Tuesday September 26, 2017

Republican Gov. Paul LePage delivers his inauguration address in Augusta, Maine, in this Jan. 7, 2015, file photo. LePage said out-of-state drug dealers are impregnating "young white" girls, and he was quickly derided by critics on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)

Augusta, Maine — Maine’s Republican governor is directing the state’s 16 county sheriffs to detain immigrants upon request by federal immigration officers — or be removed from office.

Gov. Paul LePage threatened Tuesday to oust elected sheriffs who reject requests from immigration officers to hold jail detainees beyond their scheduled release dates. He said he’d take steps to remove any sheriff if he hears that an “undocumented, illegal alien” was released after a federal detention request.

The governor ratcheted up a dispute with Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin Joyce, who announced he would reject requests by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to hold prisoners in jail beyond their scheduled release unless there’s a court order.

The governor said Maine law requires sheriffs to obey his law enforcement orders. He said the Maine Constitution allows a governor to remove a sheriff from office following a “complaint, due notice and hearing.”
The governor signed an executive order in 2011 calling on “employees and officials” of Maine” to cooperate with the federal government on immigration matters. Joyce denies that the executive order would apply to him.

LePage didn’t mention Joyce by name, but it’s clear who was on his mind.

Joyce is sheriff of Maine’s most populace county, which is also home to a growing population of immigrants from Somalia, which was targeted by Republican President Donald Trump’s latest travel order.

Joyce said detainer requests from immigration officials are a problem when they’re not supported by a court order or warrant signed by a judge. Detaining individuals for up to 48 hours without probable cause could put him and the county at risk of lawsuit for violating their rights, he said.

“I’m still accepting ICE inmates, the ones that are brought in legally,” Joyce said Monday. “I’m not honoring detainer requests to hold someone beyond their release date so that ICE  can put together their case.”

LePage argues that federal policy requires immigration officers to review the facts and make sure they have reasonable grounds and an administrative warrant before they ask local law enforcement agencies to temporarily detain individuals.

Zach Heiden, legal director at the ACLU of Maine, noted Massachusetts’ highest court recently ruled that state law doesn’t allow police officers there to hold individuals solely on the basis of a federal immigration detainer request. The governor also lacks legal basis to force sheriffs to honor immigration requests, he said.

“We’re not talking about law enforcement, we’re talking about detention: locking people up,” Heiden said.

The Land of No Men: Inside Kenya's Women-Only Village

The Land of No Men: Inside Kenya's Women-Only Village

A Story told in the Traditional Gullah Language at African American Heri...

A Story told in the Traditional Gullah Language at African American Heritage Day

Soomaaliland oo markii ugu horeysay ka jawaabtay hadalkii madaxweynaha Galmudug

Talaado, September, 26, 2017 (HOL) – Maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay hadal dhawaan sheegay madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug Axmed Ducaalle Geelle Xaaf oo ku eedeeyay dowladda Soomaaliya in ay ku xayirtay garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Hargeysa.
Agaasimaha wasaarada duulista hawada Soomaaliland Cumar Cabdullaahi Aadan oo warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay in hadalka ka yeeray madaxweynaha Galmudug yahay waxba kama jiraan, islamarkaana Soomaaliland u gaar yahay maamulka hawaddeeda.
‘’Waxaan rabaa in aan ka jawaabo warkii ka soo yeeray nin naloogu sheegay in uu yahay madaxweynaha Galmudug oo yiri dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa igu xayirtay garoonka Hargeysa, warkaasi waa waxba kama jiraan Annaga iyo Soomaaliyana waxeynu kala nahay labo dal oo labo calan kala leh, garoomadeenna Annaga ayaa maamulna, amar dowladda Soomaaliya oo halkan ka shaqeynayna ma jiro ayuu yiri’’ Agaasimaha.
Mar uu soo hadal qaaday sida ay u arkayeen in madaxweynaha Galmudug uu soo maro garoonka magaalada Hargeysa isaga oo ka yimid magaalada Dubai waxaa yiri’’ Nin waxaa uu la socda diyaarada Fly Dubai ayuu la socda, waxaa uu ka mid ahaa rakaabkii diyaaradaa saarnaa, Annaga waxaa u arkeynay oo kaliya in uu yahay qof shacab ah oo dadkaa diyaarada saaran ka mid ah, si caadi ah ayaa loo soo dhaweeyay oo waxaa la geeyay qeyba VIB ee dadka Transit –ka la fadhiisiyo, mar danbe ayeeynu ogaanay in uu yahay qof madaxweyne ka sheegtay Soomaaliya, marka warkiisu halkaa ayuu been ku yahay’’
Madaxweynaha Galmudug ayaa dhawaan isaga oo jooga Cadaado sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya muddo Shan saacadood ah ku xayirtay garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Hargeysa kaddib markii ay is hortaagtay diyaaradii halkaa ka soo qaadi laheyd.
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Monday, September 25, 2017

Mudane Axmed-Madoobe waa nin ay ka dhab tahay in waddanku hagaago

Mudane Axmed-Madoobe waa nin ay ka dhab tahay in waddanku hagaago

Hubkii lagu qabtay Boosaaso oo la sheegay inuu lahaa mid kamida Musharaxiintii la Tartamay M/weyne Farmaajo

Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Idaacadda Kulmiye oo kamid ah warbaahinta ka howlgala Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa soo bandhigtay warbixin ay ku sheegtay inay kusoo ogaatay ciddii iska laheyd hubkii dhawaan ay Puntland ku qabatay Doon.
Warar ay heshay Idaacadda Kulmiye ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Hubkii Maalmo ka hor Ciidamada Puntland ay ku qabteen Xeebta Magaalada Boosaaso uu lahaa mid kamida Musharaxiintii u tartamay Xilka Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Bishii February Ee Sanadkaan 2017.
Saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidamada Booliska Magaalada Boosaaso,balse diiday in Magacooda iyo Codkoodaba loo adeegsado Qalabka Warbaahinta ayaa KNN u sheegay in Hubkii lagu qabtay Boosaaso 23-kii Bishaan uu lahaa Siyaasiga lagu Magacaabo Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni oo ka mid ahaa Musharaxiintii la loo lamay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo 8-dii  February ee Sanadkaan.
Hubka ayaa la sheegay in laga soo iibiyay Dalka Yemen islamarkaana lagu soo dhex qariyay Doon siday Shixnado kala duwan,waxaana Hubka Gacanta ku dhigay Ciidamada Badda Puntland,kuwaas oo ku soo bandhigay Magaalada Boosaaso.
Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya in Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni uu Hubka ka soo iibsaday Wadanka Yemen,waxaana Siyaasi Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni  uu ka mid yahay Musharaxiinta Madaxweyne ee u Tartami doona Xilka Madaxweynaha Puntland 2019-ka.
Mas’uuliyiinta Maamulka Puntland weli ma sheegin Cida leh Hubka ay Ciidamada Badda Puntland ku qabteen Xeebta Magaalada Boosaaso ee Gobolka Bari.
Dhanka kale Xariir ay KNN la sameysay Siyaasiga Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni oo la sheegayo inuu leeyahay Hubka lagu qabtay Magaalada Boosaaso ee Puntland ayaan noo suuro galin in aan helno.
Xigasho: Radio Kulmiye

Madaxweyne Xaaf oo maanta bixiyay mushaharooyinkii shaqaalaha, ciidamada iyo baarlamaanka Galmudug

Cadaado (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf ayaa maanta Magaalada Cadaado ee xarunta Maamul Galmudug geliyey xaalad cusub kadib markii uu dhammaan shaqaalaha, Ciidamada iyo Baarlamaanka Galmudug  ka safay mushaaraad.
Sida ay Caasimadda Online wararka ku heleyso Madaxweyne Xaaf ayaa bixiyey mushaarka Ciidamada Booliska, Nabad sugidda iyo Baarlamaanka Galmudug .
Mushaarka la bixiyey ayaa isugu jiray bishaan hadda socoto iyo 3 bil oo horey loogu lahaa madaxweynihii hore Cabdikariin Xuseen Guuleed kaasoo xil ka qaadis ay ku sameeyeen Baarlamaanka.
lacagta la bixiyey ayaa maanta si weyn looga dareemay Magaalda Cadaado iyadoo gashay xaalad cusub oo laga dareemay dhammaan meelaha ganacsiga iyo guryaha.
Waxaa sidoo kale la sheegay inaan maanta mushaar la siin Ciidamada Daraawiishta, balse wuxuu madaxweyne Xaaf u sheegay saraakiishada Caadimadaas in Mushaarkooda ay qaadan doonaan Maalinta Berri ah.
Madaxweyne Xaaf ayaa si toos ah u bixinayey mushaarka maamulka Galmudug tan iyo markii xilkaas loo soo doortay.
Mushaar bixintaan ayaa kusoo aadeyso xilli uu meel sare gaaray khilaafka madaxda ugu sareyso Galmudug, iyadoo ay is garab socdaan qorshayaal kala duwan oo mid lagu doonayo in xilka looga qaado Xaaf halka mid kalana lagu difaacayo.
Sida xogta hoose sheegeyso Madaxweyne Xaaf ayaa heysto taageero badan baarlamaanka Galmudug ah, Sidoo kalana waxaa la sheegayaa inay Golaha Wasiirada intooda badan ay taageersan yihiin go’aanka Xaaf, waxayna qodobadii dhawaan ay soo saareen u muuqdeen kuwa lagu taageerayey madaxweynaha.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Madaxweyne Xaaf’’ dowladda Soomaaliya shan sacadood ayeey igu xayirtay garoonka magaalada Hargeysa

Axad, September, 24, 2017 (HOL) – Madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf oo dib ugu laabtay magaalada Cadaado ayaa ku eedeeyay dowladda Soomaaliya in shan saacadood ku xayirtay magaalada Hargeysa.
Madaxweyne Xaaf oo ka soo dhoofay dalka isku taga Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa ka degay magaalada Hargeysa, isaga oo ka weecday garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Muqdisho. 
‘’Saakay 6:00 Aroornimo ayaan imid magaalada Hargeysa shan saacadood oo xiriir ah ayaa leygu xayiray garoonka diyaaradaha Hargeysa oo dowladda federaalka iga celisay diyaaradii aan soo kireystay oo wax kasta lagu gorgoriyay’’ ayuu yiri madaxweynaha Galmudug.
Xiisada siyaasadeed ee ka dhalatay go’aanka uu ka qaatay madaxweynaha Galmudug khilaafka wadamada Carabta ayaa u muuqata mid cirka isku sii shareertay, kaddib markii mas’uuliyiinta ugu sareysa maamulka qaarkood ka soo horjeesteen go’aankaa.
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Ciidamada Puntland oo Gacanta ku Dhigay Hub loo waday Gobollada Dhex ee Somalia (Sawirro)

Sabti, September, 23, 2017 (HOL) –Ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha Puntland ayaa gacanta ku soo dhigay doon lagu soo qariyay hub sharci darro ah ,taasi oo ku sugnayd meel aan wax badan ka fogayn xeebaha Puntland.
Hubka saarnaa doontan ayaa isugu jiray qoryaha dhashiikaha ,AK7 –ka , Qoryaha BKM-ka rasaas iyo qaybo kamid ah hubka noocyadiisa  fudud,waxaana laga soo qabtay deegaanka Mareero oo qiyaastii 9km u jirta magaalada Bosaaso ee xarunta ganacsiga Puntland.
“Doonidani waxaa gacanta ku soo dhigay ciidamada ilaalada Xeebaha ee Puntland,waxaana laga soo qabtay deegaanka Mareero halkaasi oo ay howlgalo ka wadeen ciidamadu,waxaa doonida saarnaa hub noocyo kaladuwan leh,, Ayuu yiri Gaashaanle Maxamed Maxamuud oo kamid ah saraakiisha ciidamada badda Puntland.
Waxa uu sheegay in qayb kamid hubka hadda gacanta lagu hayo laga soo qabtay biriga , xili la doonayay in gudaha loo soo galiyo Puntland ,mana uusan sheegin cid-da uu sida gaarka ahi hubkani ugu socday.
Sarkaal la hadlay HOL ayaa sheegay in hubkani ay mulkiyad-diisa lahaayeen ganacsato reer Puntland ah , isla markaana la doonayay in loo sii gudbiyo gobolada dhexe ee Somalia.
Ugu danbayn, doontan la qabtay aya lagu magacaabaa Al-Furqaan ,waxaana ay ka timid dalka Yemen  oo iminka ay ka socdaan colaado u dhaxeeya kooxo iska soo horjeeda oo ay kala hogaaminayaa Xuutiyiinta iyo dowladda taagta daran ee wadankaasi ka jirta. 

Faysal M. Hassan

Axmed Madobe oo caro kala dul dhacay saraakiisha amniga kadib markii…

Kismaayo (Caasimada Online) – Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta maamulka Jubbaland ayaa sheegaya in halkaa uu ka dhacay kulan khaas ah oo looga hadlaayay arrimaha Amniga iyo Dagaalka lagula jiro Maleeshiyaadka Al-shabaab.
Wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in kulanka uu ahaa mid uu qabtay Hogaamiyaha maamulka, waxaana goobjoog ka ahaa Wasiiro, Xildhibaano iyo Saraakiil ciidan.
Hogaamiyaha maamulka Axmed Madoobe ayaa si guud uga hadlay waxyaabaha uu kusoo arkay deegaano dhowr ah oo uu booqday iyo sida ay u yaalan difaacyada ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamada maamulka.
Axmed Madoobe, waxa uu sheegay inay jiraan dhaliilo iyo amaan dhowr ah oo uu u jeedinaayo Saraakiisha Amaanka waxa uuna cadeeyay inay jiraan habacsanaan ka muuqata dhufeysyada iyo deegaanada qaar.
”Waxaa jira habacsanaan dhanka amaanka ah waxaan dhaliishaasi u jeedinayaa Saraakiisha amniga oo mas’uul ka ah amniga dhammaan deegaanada maamulka, cadowgu waxa uu ka faa’iideystaa daldaloolada waa inaan ogaanaa dhibta ka dhalankarta in la dayaco dhufeysyada qaar”
Axmed Madoobe waxa uu sheegay in dhaliilaha uu jeedinaayo uu kula xisaabtami doono Saraakiisha ku qoran dhufeysyada ay ka taagan tahay dhaliisha.
Axmed Madoobe waxa uu shaki galiyay in ciidamada qaar ay ku sugan yihiin difaacyada loogu tallo galay, waxa uuna taa u sababeeyay weerarada joogtada ah oo ay Shabaabku ku qaadayaan xarumaha maamulka.
Waxa uu Madoobe cadeeyay in weeraradii ugu danbeeyay ee Shabaabku ku qaadayeen Xarumaha ciidamada maamulka ay ku imaadeen habacsanaan dhanka amaanka iyo dayacnaan ka jirtay difaacyada ciidamada ee ku yaalla goobaha la weeraray.
Waxa uu sidoo kale, sheegay inay sameynayaan baaritaano la xiriira cida Alshabaab u sahashay inay weerar ku qabsadaan Xarumo ciidan.
Sidoo kale, Axmed Madoobe ayaa sameeyay guddi hoosaadyo isaga u gaar ah kuwaa oo si hoose u baaraaya dhowr Sargaal oo lagu tuhmaayo in maleeshiyaadka Alshabaab ay ka caawiyeen weeraradii ugu danbeeyay.
Talaabadani ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xili dhawaan Hogaamiyaha maamulka Jubbaland uu booqasho ku gaaray deegaano dhowr ah oo ay ka dhacaan dagaalo soo noqnoqday.
Caasimada Online
Xafiiska Kismaayo

Diyaaaradii ugu horeysay oo xili habeen ah soo cagadhigta garoonka Aadan Cadde tan iyo bur burkii dowladdii dhexe


Sabti, September, 23, 2017 (HOL) – Ku dhawaad muddo 27 sano kaddib waxaa caawa garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cade ee magaalada Muqdisho ka soo degtay diyaaradii ugu horeysay ee sida rakaab kaddib markii ay dhawaan dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya shaacisay in adeegyadii uu ku shaqeyn lahaa xiliga habeenkii ah loo dhameystiray garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cade.
Diyaaradan oo ah diyaarad rakaab ah oo ay leedahay shirkada diyaaradaha Juba Airways waxa ay sidaa dad ka badan boqol ruux kuwaasi oo u badan xujey waxaana diyaaradan ay abaare 08:10  ka soo degtay garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cade ee magaalada Muqdisho.
Imaashiyaha diyaaradan ayaa waxaa goob joog u ahaa mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya iyo saxafiyiin ka howlgala qeybaha warbaahinta, waxaana tani ay ka dhigan tahay in uu si rasmi ah xiliga habeenkii ah u shaqeynayo garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cade ee magaalada Muqdsiho maadaama diyaaradii ugu horeysay ee rakaab ah ay caawa ka soo degtay.
Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa dhinaca kale ku howlan in ay dib u soo ceshato kootaroolka hawada Soomaaliya oo muddo dheer laga maamulayay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, waxaana dhawaan heshiis arintaa ku saabsan gaaray wasaarrada duulista hawada Soomaaliya iyo hay'adda duulimaadyada  caalamiga ah ee ICOA. 
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Khudbaddii RW Khayre ka jeediyay Qaramada Midoobay

Khudbaddii RW Khayre ka jeediyay Qaramada Midoobay

Friday, September 22, 2017

Sharif Sheikh Ahmed" Xukuumadda Soomaaliya way ku degdegtay go`aanka arrimaha Khaliijka

Mudane Shariif Sheekh Axmed, madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya ayaa bartiisa facebook ga soo dhigay hadalkan:

DAAWO: Maddaalo nafhurid ah

DAAWO: Maddaalo nafhurid ah

DAAWO: Madaddaalo waalli ah.

Madaddaalo waalli ah

Bees attack NASA, Jubilee supporters at the supreme court

Bees attack NASA, Jubilee supporters at the supreme court

Dhalinyaro ka soo carareysa deeganno ballaaran oo ka tirsan gobolka Galgaduud. Sabab?


Ceel Dheer (Caasimada Online)-Barakac dhallinyaro oo aad u ballaaran ayaa ka soconaya deegaanno ay ka mid yihiin degmada Ceel dheer, Galcad, Gal-Libaax, Bud Bud, Masagawaay, Ceel Hareeri, Meexaan, Cali Afrax, Cows Weyne, Cali Yabaal, Maraayga Soddonka, Maraay Suuley, Tixle, Bargaan, Jacar, Galhareeri iyo Deegaano kale oo fara badan.
Barakacan ayaa billowday kadib markii uu ammar kasoo baxay xarakada Al Shabaab oo ka dalbaday Odayaasha Beelaha iney kusoo wareejiyaan dhallinyarada da’doodu u dhaxeyso 13-16 ilaa 25 sano jirada, kuwaas oo la sheeshey in loo furi doono tababar si ay ugu qeyb qaataan dagaalada ay kooxdu ku jirto.
Waxaa lagu soo waramayaa in magaalada Muqdiaho ay kusoo qul qulayaan dhallinyaro aad u badan oo eheladoodu kala soo cararay in caruurtooda loo adeegsado dagaallo, lagu abuuro fikradaha Al Shabaab oo ku saleysan mayal adeegga.
Sidoo kale xaralada Al Shabaab waxa ay codsadeen in lacago fara badan usoo uruuriyaan wax ay ku sheegeen mujaahidiinta, waxaana Odayaasha beelaha la faray in si deg deg usoo uruuriyan lacagahaas.
Nabaddoon magaciisa diiday ayaa Warfaafiye u xaqiijiyay in Al Shabaab ka war heleen barakaca dhallinyarada ku qulqulaya Magaalada kaddibna qoys kasta lagu war geliyay in caruurtooda dib usoo celiyaan haddii kale xoolahoodu la wareegi doonaan.
Muran badan ayaa ka taagan dhallinyaro dib loo celin rabay markii ay Xamar yimaadeen kuwaas oo soo dalbaday waalidkood kaddib markii ay hanjabaad adag uga timid kooxda Al shabaab.
Dowladda Federaalka ayaan ku baraarugsaneyn falkan barakaca ah oo dhallinyaro badan mustaqbalkoodu halista ku jiro.

Habkii ay Hay`adda Billgates u gaarsiisay deeqda halka milyan ah dadkii Soomaaliyeed oo ay abaaruhu wayeelleeyeen.

Habkii ay Hay`adda Billgates u gaarsiisay deeqda halka milyan ah dadkii Soomaaliyeed oo ay abaaruhu wayeelleeyeen.

Uhuru Kenyatta’’ Maxkamada sare ee dalka waxaa ay ku kacday Inqilaab

Jimco, September, 22, 2017 (HOL) –Madaxweynaha talada haya ee dalka Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta ayaa ku tilmaamay go’aankii maxkamadda sare ee lagu laalayay doorashadii madaxtinimada dalkaas Iqilaab ama afganbi lagula kacay dalka Kenya.
Maxkamadda sare ee dalka Kenya ayaa waxba kama jiraan ka soo qaadday doorashadii madaxtinimada ee dalkaasi ka dhacday, kaddib markii siyaasiyiinta xisbiga mucaaradka ugu weyn dalkaa dacwad u gudbiyeen maxkamadda.
Guddiga doorashada ayaa hadda dib u dhigay waqtigii loo asteeyay in ay dhacdo doorashda ku celiska ah oo ku beegneyd 17 bisha October ee nagu soo foolka leh, waxaana uu guddigu sheegay in doorashada dib loo dhigay ilaa 26ka October.
Madaxweyne Uhuru ayaa yiri ' Waxaa dalkan inqilaab ka sameeyey afar qof oo maxkamada sare jooga .
Laakiin go’aankan markii uu soo baxay waxaa dhinacooda soo dhaweeyay siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka gaar ahaan Raila Odinga oo ah shaqsiga siyaasad ahaan ay sida weyn isaga soo horjeedaan Uhuru Kenyatta, lana filayo in uu kursiga kula tartamo doorashada soo socta.
Sanadii 2007-dii ayaa rabshadihii dhacay doorashada ka dib waxaa ku dhintay 1200 oo qof kadib markii xiisado siyaasadeed ay ka dhasheen doorashooyinka.
C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Ugandan parliament defers age limit debate due to heavy security deployment

Friday September 22, 2017
Ugandan parliament speaker Jacob Oulanyah has deferred the presidential age limit debate to next week over heavy police deployment around the House, the capital Kampala and some parts of the country.

The speaker’s decision follows a motion for adjournment filed by the leader of opposition Winnie Kiizahas who described the action by the police as a “parliamentary coup” and a siege to humiliate members.

There was tension Thursday morning when police arrested five Makerere University students and the Mayor of the capital city Kampala Erias Lukwago, while offices of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) were sealed off to stop planned protests against the removal of presidential age limits.

The police had deployed heavily armed security officials to parliament with a helicopter hovering around the area and members stopped from entering the vicinity with their cars including the speaker who was made to access the House from the back door.
Members of Parliament had to walk to parliament and some had their houses surrounded while cars of some members were impounded, Honourable Winnie Kiizahas explained on the floor.

“We all have mobile phones and if you thought there was danger, you could have called us to stay at home. It is more dangerous to make us walk to parliament in the glare of the danger you are protecting us from,” she said.

The Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda explained on the floor that there were tensions for about a week and some members had seen violence on their way to the parliament.

He was heckled by the members, especially the opposition to prove his statement.

“There are two problems here. It looks like members don’t want to sit and the speaker does not want to preside over members who don’t want to sit. The House is adjourned to Tuesday,” the speaker declared.

The Inspector General of Police Kale Kayihura said in a statement on Wednesday that planners of demonstrations can use other forms other than processions to allow parliament to “debate in peace”.

He explained that they received information about groups planning to use the cover of processions to “cause violence and mayhem” and that the police is obligated to keep law and order.

Members of Parliament of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) and some independent MPs passed a resolution to debate the removal of the presidential age limit currently pegged at 75.

If the amendment is approved, President Yoweri Museveni can contest in the next elections.

In 2005, a constitutional amendment was made removing the two-term limit for the presidency to allow the president to run for a third-term which he won.

Museveni, who is now 73, will be two years older than the current age limit in the 2021 election.