Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Kaalinkii Shidaalka Dayaaradaha ee Puntland oo xarigga laga jaray

Mudane Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta xarigga ka jaray kaalinkii muddada badan la sugaayay ee shidaalka dayaaradaha ee garoonka Boosaaso. Kalinkaas oo kaalin muhiim ah ka qaadan doona adeegga dayaaradaha gudaha iyo kuwa caalamka.

Xildhibaanad Muna Khaliif Sheikh Abu (Muna K) oo u duceysay dalkeeda iyo dadkeeda

Xildhibaanad Muna Khaliif Sheikh Abu oo ka mid ah xildhibaannada dhallinta yar ee baarlamaankeenna Soomaaliya ayaa waxay u duceyneysaa dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed in Alle uu ka dulqaado gaajada iyo abaaraha, kana kooftoomaan dadka Soomaaliyeed wax ka sugista dalal kale. AAMIIN

Daawo Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo kulankula Qaatay Xarunta Xalane Beesha Ca...

Daawo Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo kulankula Qaatay Xarunta Xalane Beesha Caalamka

Ciidamda Puntland iyo kuwa Galmudug magacoodu waa ciidan ee maaha qabiil (Saadaq Cumar Xasan)

Ciidamada Puntalnd iyo kuwa Galmudug oo iska kashanaya hawlagallo, mana kala laha qabiil ee magacoodu waa ciidan. Waxaa muuqata iskaashi weyn oo ka dhaxeeya hawlgallada ciidamada gobolladaas si ay u sugaan nabadgelyada sidaasna waxaa sheegay Saadaq Cumar Xasan oo taliyaha nabad sugidda Galmudug.

Mohamed Shidane: Born in Cadaado, lived in Dadaab Refugee Camps now live...

Born in Cadaado, lived in Dadaab Refugee Camps now lives in Seattle, Washington, Mohamed Shidane said "I will be a voice for the voiceless, regardless of who they are." In #America, "Between going to school and working two jobs to send money to his family, Mohamed Shidane still makes time to speak up about human rights

Monday, February 27, 2017

Xenophobia: Pretoria Anti-illegal Immigrant Protest Turns Violent | Pul...

Pretoria Anti-illegal Immigrant Protest turned violent. South African police fired rubber
bullets and stun grenades to break up clashes between local protesters and migrants
in Pretoria on Friday at a march 

What's behind attacks on foreigners in South Africa? - Inside Story

A series of attacks targeted foreign workers and their businesses across South Africa.

Mexican activists paint U.S. border wall with message to Trump

Mexican activists opposed to U.S. President Donald Trump's immigration policies left 
graffiti on the border fence seperating the two countries with a message to the leader.

Xafladii lagu taageerayey Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo lagu qabtay Minneapolis

Xafladii lagu taageerayey Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo lagu qabtay Minneapolis

Xafalad loogu duceynayo Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo lagu qabtay Minneapolis

Jaalliiyadda ballaaran ee  Minneapolis ayaa lagu qabtay xaflad wayn oo loogu duceynayo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Mudan Farmaajo isla markaasna Alle lagu baryayay in uu naga dulqaado abaaraha adag. (Siyaad Saciid Saalax iyo Cawil Nuur Shire)

Degdeg: Gaari mar dhow ku qarxay xaafad Muqdisho ka mid ah

Afhayeenka gobolka Banaadir ayaa ka warbixinaya xaaladda qaraxa gaariga

Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan Bashiir oo siiyay Farmaajo Sahay tii ugu wanaagsanayd

Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan Bashiir ayaa sahay iyo talo aad u sarreeysa siiyay dhammaan madaxda geeska Afrika si gaar ahna wuxuu ula hadlay Madaxweyne Farmaajo si uu u guuleysto guushiisana hore ugu sii socoto. Casharkan wuxuu anfacayaa dhamaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay dunidu ka joogto.

Riwaayadda Caqliga Dawacada, " Wadajir baa xoog leh" Waxaa diyaariyay Cabdulqaadir M. Mursal

Riwaayadda Caqliga dawacada waxaa lagu soo bandhigay xaflad ballaaran ee lagu qabtay habeenkii xalay ahaa magaalada Minneapolis ee dalka Mareykanka. Riwaayaddan oo ahayd mid aan nooceeda hore looga dhigan golahan, waxayna dhamaan ku qotontay iney iyada is fasirto, waxaana Jilaya dhallinyarada Matxafka Minneapolis.

Xaaladda Suuqa Bakaaraha

Xaaladda suuqa Bakaaraha iyo dabkii qabsaday

Sunday, February 26, 2017

DEG DEG: Dab ka kacay bakaaraha

DEG DEG: Dab ka kacay bakaaraha oo ilaa iyo iminka weli ka socda, dadkuna ayan waxba ka qaban karin maaddaama uu suuqaasi lahayn waddooyin iyo tashiilaad kale oo loogu talagalay arrimahan oo kale. Hadda ka hore ayuu suuqani gubtay.

Trump's Russia links: Calls rise for special prosecutor to investigate

Trump's Russia links: Calls rise for special prosecutor to investigate

President Trump: What we've learned during his first weeks in office

President Trump: What we've learned during his first weeks in office

Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo sheegay inuu ku soo barbaaray waxna ku soo bartay xarumihii carruurta ee lafoole

Mudane Madaxweyane Farmaajo wuxuu maanta soo booqday ciidamada Asluubta Soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna hadal u jeediyay saraakiisha iyo hawalwadeennada ciidamadaas. Wuxuu kaluu sheegay inuu ku soo barbaaray kuna soo koray xarumihii carruurta agoonta ee lafoole.


W.Q. Cabdulqaadir M. Walaayo

Suxufi Walaayo

Madaxweynaha Jumhuuriyadda Federaalka, Mudane Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed waa tallaabo fiican oo aad hore u qaaday markii aad magacwday, Ra'isal Wasare Hassan Ali Kheyre. Waxaan idiinku duceynaya inaad ku guuleystaan xilka ummaddu labadiina idinku aamintay.
Mudane Madaxweyne waxaan kuu soo jeedinaya in Ra'isal Wasaraha aan keligii kalsooni Barlamaanka loo weydiinin. Ra'isal Wasaraha waxaa laga raba inuu Barlamaanka hor geeyo kana hor aqriyo barnaamij kaamil ah ee taabanaya dhinacyada siyaasadda, dhaqaalaha, bulshada, dhaqanka iyo nabadgelyada.
Dhinaca kale labada aqal ee Barlmaanka waa inay midmid u qortaan dhamaan qodobada uu RW hor keeni doono. Markii Xildhibaanadu ay dhuuxaan khudbada iyo barnaamijka uu rabo inuu hirgeliyo RW, waa inay su'aalo ka weydiiyaan wixii ay uga baahdaan oo faahfaahin iyo fasiraad dheeraad ah. Qoraal ku saabsan khudbada Ra'sal Wasaraha waa in loo qaybiyo xildhibaanada si ay u darsaan nuxurka ay khudbaddu xambaarsan tahay.
Haddii RW oo aan boorsada ku sidan barnaamijka uu dalka ku hoggamin doono ay Barlmaanku ay shaqsiyan keligiis ansixiyaan, hadhow Xildhibaanada waxaa ku adkaneysaan inay diidaan barnaamijka oo dib lagaga keeno. Shaqsiya la ansixiyo micno badan ma sammeyneyso laakinse waxaa shaqsiyada lagu dooran karaa maxaa barnaamij ah oo macquul ah oo dalka lagu samata-bixin karo.
Alle ha u naxariisto, Mudane Abdirizaak Haji Hussein oo ka mid ahaa Ra'isal Wasaarayashi dalka soo maray 60yadii ayaa Barlamaanka berigaas wuxuu hor geeyay barnaamijka xukuumadiisa asagoo muddo 6 saac ka badan faahfaahin iyo fasiiraad bixinayay oo weliba idaacadda toos lagaga sii deynayay isla markaana samacadaha dibedda ee Barlmaanka ay dadweynuhu ka dhageysanayeen ayagoo tubna oo buux-dhaafshay barxadda loo yaqaan "Piazza della Solidarieta' Africana" oo Barmaanka hortiisa ku taal.
Ugu dambeynta RW Abdirazak Haji Hussein wuxuu barlamaanka ka codsaday inay siiyaan kalsooniadooda buuxda. Ha yeeshe Xildhibaanadu waxay diideen inay kalsooni siiyaan sidaas dareedna uu la noqdo barnaamijkiisa.
Alle ha u naxariisto berigaas waxaa dalka Madaxweyne ka ahaa Mudane Aden Abdulle Osman oo xilkaas RW Abdirizak u magacaabay ayaa haddane Madaxweyne Aden mar kale ku celiay jagada Mudane Abdirizak. Markaan dambe Barlamaanka ayaa kalsoonida siiyay Ra'isal Wasaraha.
Marxuum Abdirazak Haji Hussein wuxuu dalka RW ka ahaa min 14th June 1964 ilaa 15th July 1967. Waxaa RW uu ku caan baxay markii uu boorka ka jafay maamulkii dawladda isagoo xaaqay dadki lagu yiqiinay musuqa. Wuxuu shaqada ka eray shaqaale badan oo ray'id ah oo ku eedeysanaya musumaasaq. Waagaas waxaa loo yaqaan maalmihii "Busto Rossa" oo macnaheedu yahay qofka waxaa u soo dhici jirtay boqasha casaan/guduud ah oo ay ku jirto waraaq shaqada looga fadhiisinayo.
Wuxuu abuuray maamul ku dhisan karti iyo hufnaan - karti wax qabasho oo ay lahaadaan dadka maamulka udub-dhexaadka u ah iyo hufnaan ay ka hufan musuqmaasaq iyo is-dabamarin.
AHUN Marxuum Aden Abdulle Osman oo dadka yaqaan ay ku sheegeen inuu ahaa nin ku adadag maba'diida uu aaminsana waxaa laga haya oraah taariikhda gashay berigaas taasoo dad badan oo muwadiinta Soomaalida ka mid ah ay ka fajicisay oo ilaa maant la gu xusuusto.
Oraahdu waxay ahayd sidan: "Haddii aan xitaa idiin soo magacaabo *Habar Iisho* waa dooraneysaan". Barlmaankow kalsoondi siiya RW Abdirizak Haji Hussein. .
**Habar Iisho waxay ahayd islaan caan ka ahayd wadooyinka faras-magaalka Muqdisho. Waxay ka mid ahayd dadka ku dayacan wadooyinka gaar ahaan ciyaalka loo yaqaan "Parking boys/girls"
Mudane Madaxweyne Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed waxaan kaa codsanaya inaad raacdo dhaqaanka oo aadan barlamaanka hor keenin shaqsi meesha ka muuqda laakinse aan la ogeyn qaabka uu dalka ku wadi doono muddada 4 sano ah ee soo socota oo ummaddu ay fileyso inay u dareeraan goobaha cod bixinta ayagoo sanduuq qarsoodi ah ku ridaya codkooda oo si xor ah u dooran doonaa shaqsiga ay iyagu rabaan.
Ra'isal Wasaraha, Mudane Hassan Ali Kheyre waa inuu barlamaanka hor geeyo barnaamijkiisa shaqada oo kaamil ah.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

CALIFORNIA shocking images -EL DORADO [02/17] Photographs of California ...

CALIFORNIA shocking images -EL DORADO [02/17] Photographs of California under water

Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo oo ka warbixiyay safarkiisii Sacuudiga

Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo oo ka warbixiyay safarkiisii Sacuudiga

4-year-old Syrian girl reunites with family in US


W.Q. Cabdulqaadir M. Walaayo
Suxufi Walaayo
Dalka Soomaaliya xaaladaha ka jira waa kuwo aad u murugsan ayadoo ay ku gudban yihiin mashakilo mid walba midka kale ka ss daran tahay kuwaas oo soo dhismayay muddo ku dhow 30 sano.
Wixii ka dambeeyay maamulkii xukunka laga riday 1991 waxaa dadka Soomaalida u suuroobi weysay inay dhisaan hanaan dawladnimo oo dalka ku hoggaamiya wadada saxda ah ee qarannimada oo dalka lagu houmari karo oo si kastaba uga duwan nidaamka ay dadku ka dhiidhiyeen iyo kuwii kale ee ka dambeeyay ee dadku saluugeen hannaankooda hoggaaminta.
Waxaan wada ogsoonahay in gobollo qaar ay sheegteen inay gebi ahaanba dalka ka go'een halka kuwo kalena ay sameysteen nidaamyo kale oo ay ku magaceebo maamul goboleed.
Xaajadu waxay sii murugtay markii la abuuray maamul gobolleedyo lagu sheegay inay ka mid yihiin nidaamka Federaalka oo shacabka Soomaaliyeed uusan nidaamkaas dooran bacdamaa aan loo qaadin afti dadweyne.
Waxaa ummadda loogu yeeray inay galaan doorasho dadban oo u nugul musuquq iyo is-dabamarin laakinse waxaa ka soo baxay barlaamaan ka kooban laba aqal - Aqalka Hoose iyo Aqalka Sare. Ilaa hadda ma cada oo shacabka looma fasirin waajibka ay kala leeyihiin iyo xiriirka ka dhaxaya labada aqal. Taa waxaa ka sii daran nidaamka Federaalka oo ilaa hadda uu shacabku uusan ogayn nooca uu yahay iyo macnahiisa.
Araarta hore waxaan gogol-xaar uga dhigay in dadka wax ku qora madasha kala duwan ee bulshada madaniga (different social media outlets) in aaney hor-dhicin maamulka cusub ee ay hoggaamiyaan Madaxweynaha Jumhuuriyadda Soomaaliya, Mudane Maxamed Abdullahi Maxamed iyo Ra'isal Wasaraha cusub, Mudane Xassan Cali Kheyre.
Ra'isal Wasaraha cusub waa kii ugu dambeeyay ee soo mara dalka
ilaa muddada dalka burburka uu ku jiray. Waxa shacabka Soomaalida oo aragaas leh ku qiimeyn doonaan barnaamijka uu dalka ku hogaamin doono dalka muddada 4 sano ee soo socota ee dhanka siyaasadda, dhaqaalaha, bulshada, dhaqanka iyo nabadgelyada isagoo barnaamijkaas aasaas uga dhigi doono hal-ku-dhagga Madaxweynaha cusub ee danta, dadka iyo dalka iyo diinta.
Ra'isal Wasaraha cusub Mudane Hassan Ali Kheyre waxay ummadda Soomaalida uga fadhida inuu golihiisa Wasaarada u soo safo koox ay raali ka noqon karaan shacabka Soomaalida oo ka nadiif ah qabiyaala iyo musuq isla markaana shacabka Soomaalida ka daweyn kara dhaawac aan muuqan ee ka gaaray nafta iyo maskaxda oo ku beeray saska (trauma) ay muddada dheer ummaddu la il daranayd.
Xukuumada cusub ee la soo dhisi doono waxaa laga raba inay ummadda u soo celiso kalsoonida luntay ee ummadda u keentay qalbi-jabka iyo qaran-jabka. Waa in xukuumaddu ay qabato shirweyne waanwaan qaran ee dib-u-heshiin dhab ah oo lagu qabto dalka gudihiisa.
Waa in xukuumada la magacaabi doono uu abuurto jawi u saamaxaya dadka dibedaha u qaxay inay si nabad ah dalka ugu soo noqondaan si ay dhismaha dalka si macnawi ah iyo si maadi ah labadaba.
Xukuumadda cusub waa inay la timaado barnaamij waaqaca ku dhisan ee si qoto dheer u tilmaamaya siyaasadda arrimaha dibedda ee xukuumadda ay kula dhaqmeyso adduunka si gaar ah weliba wadamada deriska.
Muddo ku dhow 30 sano in dalku ku jiro dhibaato waxaa sabab u ahaa siyaaso xumo ka timi dagaal-ogaayaashi dalka af duubka ku heystay iyo xukuumadihii soo maray waqtiga burburka ee aan soo saarin siyaaso ka gadmi karta gudaha dalka iyo dalalka dibedda gaar ahaan wadamada deriska.
Waxaa la garwaaqsan yahay in wadamada deriska ay naga dhexeeyaan dano dal iyo dadba leh. Ayadoo xaaladdu ay sidaas tahay ayaa hadda waxaa la raba in arrimaha na dhex yaal annaga iyo deriska in qaab kale oo cusub oo ka duwan kii hore loona wajaho sifo la isku aamin karo ayadoo wax kastoo jira lagu dhameeyo wada hadal iyo waanwaan.
(The designate-Prime Minister and his government should work out a two-pronged comprehensive reconciliation package at national level and Somalia's neighbors as well in order to put an end the century old animosity between Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. The move will usher a new dawn for the people of greater Horn of Africa).
Waa in xukuumaddu ay diyaarinta iyo fulinta hawshaas u igmato diblomaasiyiin iyo siyaasiyiin gaamurtay oo garan karta halka ay dunida geediga u tahay qarniga 21aad.
Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullahi Maxamed iyo Ra'isal Wasaare Hassan Cali Kheyre bal aan siino waqti ku filan oo ay ka soo baaraandegaan xallinta dhibta noocyada badan ee dalka iyo dadkaba saameysay.
AAN ISKA ILAALIN DAREENKA KU DHISAN CAADIFADA! Waxaan gaarnay waqtigi iskaashiga, shaqada iyo horumarinta.

Raiisul wasaare Khayre waa mid si wayn uga bixi kara xilka loo dhiibay

Waxay xildhibaannada ka mid yihiin barlmaanka Soomaalida waxayna dhowaan ka soo laabteen dalka Soomaaliya iyagoo ka siiyay warbixin maanta iyo Soomaaliya iyo sida loogu baahan yahay in la is garabsado,  (Siyaad Saciid Saalax iyo Maxamuud Dulyaddayn)

Daawo: Yuu u dhexeeyaa tartanka doorashada ee soo socda ee Minneapolis

Cabdi Warsame ayaa wuxuu ballanqaadayaa inuu abaabulayo suuq ka wayn midka haatan jira ee lagu magacaabo Karmel, wuxuu suuqan uga beddelnaan doonaa midka hore iney midkan uu noqon doono mid ay Soomaalidu leeyihiin milkiyaddiisa . Kaga bogo khudbadda Cabdi Warsame. (Siyaad Saciid Saalax)

Friday, February 24, 2017

DEG-DEG: Soomaalidu oo markan dagaal la gashay, go`aansatayna iney iska celiyaan hororka South Afrikaanka ee boobaya hantidooda

Soomaalida Koofur Afrika oo markan go`aansaday iney si wadajir ah isaga celiyaan hororka South Afrikaanka oo u bartay iney maalin walba dhacaan xoolahooda, dilaan ama gubaan. Halkan waxaa ka dhacay dagaal qaraadh, iyadoo uu weliba booliisku joogo.

Dhegeyso cod xaaddaada dhaqaajiya sida uu wiilkan yar ee qaxootiga Suuri...

Meel kastoo aad joogtid ka dhigo quraanka wehelkaaga kowaad. Waad aragtaa ilmahan yar oo weliba qaxootiga ah ee dalkiisiii burburay sida uu Quraanka ugu akhrinayo cod aanan weli sidan oo kale u maqlin.

EEG: Gabdho Soomaaliyeed oo nin cunsuri ah aflagaadeyanayo kuna diraya eeygiisa...

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Trump list shows 746 travelers 'detained or processed' under travel ban, lawyer says

Trump list shows 746 travelers 'detained or processed' under travel ban, lawyer says

Nearly 750 people were "detained or processed" during the 26-hour period after a Brooklyn judge issued an order blocking part of Donald Trump's controversial travel ban, according to an attorney representing plaintiffs.
In a letter obtained by ABC News, the government said "this list includes legal permanent residents."
A different federal judge in New York Tuesday ordered Trump's administration to produce a list of all people detained as part of his executive order that limited travel and immigration from seven countries and temporarily shut down the U.S. refugee program.
Today, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union told ABC News that the government provided the organization with 746 names of people held or processed from Jan. 28 at 9:37 p.m. —- when the Brooklyn judge halted part of the ban that allowed for deportations -— to Jan. 29 at 11:59 p.m.
The list was ordered to include travelers who arrived with refugee applications, valid visa holders and people from the seven countries — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen —- covered by the ban who were legally authorized to enter the U.S.
After Trump issued the order, the administration said that green card holders and others were not subject to the order.
But a Washington state federal court put a nationwide block on Trump's order on Feb. 3. An appeals court declined to lift the restraining order.
At the time, Trump appeared to downplay the number of people detained as a result of the order's implementation.

Sucuudiga oo si weyn u soo dhoweeyay Madaxweyne Farmaajo.

Sucuudiga oo si weyn u soo dhoweeyay Madaxweyne Farmaajo.

Waa kuma Xasan Cali Khayre?

Waa kuma Xasan Cali Khayre?

Markii la doortay Farmaajo muxuu la ilmeeyay Sheekha Caalimkaa ee reer Jabuuti?

Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan Bashiir oo ka mid ah culimada Islaamka ee dunika ee reer Jabuuti ayaa wuxuu la ilmeeyay dorashadii Farmaajo wuxuuna ku micneeyay dhowr sababood oo uu halkan ku sheegi doono.

Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo loo magacaabay raiisulwasaaraha cusub ee Soomaaliya

Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo loo magacaabay raiisulwasaaraha cusub ee Soomaaliya

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

NASA live stream - Earth From Space LIVE Feed | Incredible ISS live stre...

WAR XIISO LEH: NASA ayaa waxay heshay7 dhul, sheegtayna iney suurtagal tahay in baniaadamku ku noolaado.

WAR XIISO LEH: NASA ayaa waxay heshay 7 dhul, sheegtayna iney suurtagal tahay in baniaadamku ku noolaado. Ma toddobada Samaa? Ilaah baa garanaya, waxaase la yaab leh sida ay isugu xigaan

Good News! Found extraterrestrial life? A NASA press conference.

Good News! Found extraterrestrial life? A NASA press conference

NASA found 7 NEW PLANETS!!! Breaking News!

Astronomers discover 7 potentially habitable exoplanets orbiting nearby dwarf star

AVIANNE TAN,Good Morning America

An international team of astronomers has discovered seven potentially habitable exoplanets -- or planets outside our solar system -- that could have liquid water on their surfaces, according to a paper published today in the journal Nature.
"The discovery gives us a hint that finding a second Earth is not just a matter of if, but when," Thomas Kutcher, associate administrator of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said at a news conference today.
It is also a major step forward in answering the age-old question of "Are we alone out there?" Kutcher added.
Though it is unclear whether any of the newly discovered planets can harbor life, astronomers said all seven exoplanets could have liquid water -- the key to life as we know it.
The newly discovered planets have been nicknamed "Earth's seven sisters" and have masses similar to that of Earth's, in addition to having rocky compositions like our planet, scientists said.
Three of the seven planets are considered to be in the habitable zone, which is the area around a star where a rocky planet is most likely to have liquid water, researchers added.
Astronomers also pointed out that the newly discovered planetary system orbits TRAPPIST-1, a dwarf star that is much younger than our sun and that will continue to burn for another 10 trillion years -- more than 700 times longer than the universe has existed so far.
That is "arguably enough time for life to evolve," an article in Nature reported.
The star TRAPPIST-1 is about 39 light-years, or 235 trillion miles, away from Earth. It is located in the constellation Aquarius.
Astronomers discover more than 100 new exoplanets with NASA Kepler Space Telescope 
Potentially habitable planet discovered orbiting Proxima Centauri, closest star to our sun 
California man creates extraterrestrial rock art in backyard 'in hopes of inviting aliens' to home 
Astronomers noted that they are still awaiting the scheduled launch of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope in 2018 to confirm what conditions -- such as atmospheric composition and climate -- are like on the exoplanets. The James Webb Space Telescope is expected to be significantly more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope.
The James Webb Space Telescope can detect molecules like water, methane, ozone and oxygen -- which can then help scientists determine a planet's habitability and chances of harboring life, according to Nikole Lewis, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.

The discovery of the new planetary system also suggests that Earth-sized planets are much more abundant and common in the Milky Way galaxy than previously thought, researchers said.
"With this amazing system, we know there must be many more potentially life-bearing worlds out there waiting to be found," said Sara Seager, professor of planetary science and physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The international team of astronomers that discovered the new exoplanets said they will be ramping up their efforts to locate and identify other planets around small stars in the vicinity of our sun through project Search for Habitable Planets Eclipsing Ultra-Cool Stars (SPECULOOS).
Additionally, NASA said it plans to launch the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), a space telescope that will spend two years finding planets orbiting over 200,000 of the brightest stars in the sky.
"The seven wonders of TRAPPIST-1 are the first Earth-size planets that have been found orbiting this kind of star," said Michael Gillon, lead author of the paper published in Nature and the principal investigator of the TRAPPIST exoplanet survey at the University of Liege, Belgium.
Gillon added at the NASA news conference today that the discovery of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system is a very promising indicator for the search for life outside of Earth.

Maanta oo lala wareegay khadadkii hawada Soomaaliya oo ay dayaaraduhu dul mari jireen

Dhibaatadii muddada dheer ahayd ee Soomaaliya dhan walba ka haystay ayaa maalinba waxaa la arkaa wax hor leh oo naga sii yaabiya. Waxaa taagan muranka badda Soomaaliya oo markiisii hore ka yimid xadayn khalad ah oo hawada Soomaaliya ah, haddana waxay taasi dhashay in laga leexiyo khadadkii hawada Soomaaliya oo ay mari jireen dayaaradaha adduunka. Dhibaatadaas salkeeda iyo waxa xalku noqon kara ayaad qodobkan ka dhegeysan doontaan, waxaana soo diyaariyay khabiir xagga hawada Maxamed Abuukar.

Daawo Xafladda Caleemo saarka Madaxweyne Farmaajo


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Warning: Canada is not what you think it is

If you assume Canada is a welcoming haven from the bile and divisiveness in the age of Trump, you may be mistaken

Former Canadian PM Harper spent much of his tenure fuelling and satisfying the not-so-latent Islamophobia that was politically appealing to his legion of supporters, writes Mitrovica [Getty Images]


Warning: if you believe Canada is a pretty, picture-postcard Islamophobia-free zone, then I recommend you stop reading this column. You're about to be profoundly disappointed, shocked, or both.
Scratch its inviting surface and you will discover quickly that, as in most other Western democracies, Islamophobia is not only alive and rampant in Canada, but it has long been a defining characteristic of at least one of its major political parties and large swaths of the country's corporate media.
The most recent evidence of this unassailable fact has been on unsavoury display in the still raw residue of the massacre of six Muslim Canadians at prayer in a Quebec City mosque earlier this month.
Immediately after the terrorist attack, politicians went about the ritual of decrying the murders, while praying for the victims and their grieving families and urging their countrymen to rally around the Muslim community as a sign of unity and support.
Meanwhile, after a burst of attention to blunt any criticism that it took a terrorist attack on Muslims in Canada by a white, reactionary male as seriously as attacks in Paris, Brussels or London, much of the establishment media promptly went on its way, as the carnage in a mosque receded comfortably into the rearview mirror.
But difficult questions remained unanswered. Chief among them: What to do about the Islamophobia that was stoked into a raging bonfire by some of the very politicians and media that were pleading - with all the faux solemnity they could muster - for harmony and understanding?
Wisely sceptical of the flowery rhetoric, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) - a prominent voice for Canada's Muslim community - has written an open letter to politicians of all persuasions, urging them to take concrete steps to confront Islamophobia and racism and discrimination that exists plainly in their midst.
Among its sensible recommendations, the NCCM said that more money needed to be spent to report and gather data on hate crimes and train police; that, following the province of Ontario's lead, other provinces should create an anti-racism directorate and establish a mandatory high-school course on systemic racism and its corrosive impact on society.
Finally, the NCCM threw its powerful backing behind a largely symbolic, non-binding motion sponsored by a governing Liberal MP, Iqra Khalid, that calls on the House of Commons to condemn Islamophobia and all religious discrimination in the aftermath of the Quebec city attack.
For context, it's important to note that after a few hours of perfunctory debate, Canadian parliamentarians unanimously adopted another Liberal MP's motion in 2015 condemning the "rise of anti-Semitism around the world".
Not surprisingly, Khalid's motion has faced a much more different, tumultuous and instructive fate.
Rather than be approved swiftly and unanimously, Motion 103 has morphed into a running spectacle that has not only dominated Canada's political agenda but has also exposed the pus of Islamophobia still oozing from Canadian politicians and media that only a few weeks ago were expressing sympathy for men murdered during evening prayers because they were Muslims.

'Phantom horrors'

Leading the hysterical charge in opposing the motion is Canada's Conservative Party and the bevy of candidates who are vying to lead it. All but one of the leadership candidates have signalled their vehement opposition to the motion, claiming that, among other phantom horrors, it would stifle freedom of speech and possibly act as a precursor to the invocation of "Sharia Law".
This is, of course, lunacy. But it is lunacy that has coursed its malevolent way through the core of the Conservative Party for a long time and not, as some have suggested, emerged only lately from the swamp of Islamophobia to take up residence at the party's radical "fringes".
This is a revisionist lie. Former Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper spent much of his tenure fuelling and satisfying the not-so-latent Islamophobia that was politically appealing to his legion of supporters by making the niqab a racist dog-whistle and lauding "old-stock Canadians".
By the way, the NCCM has sued Harper and his former spokesman for suggesting that the respected advocacy group had "documented ties to a terrorist organisation such as Hamas".
Harper not only stocked his cabinet with ministers who shared his embrace of what amounted to hate politics, but also plucked them from obscurity, gave them a national profile, all the while defending and championing them.
Perhaps Harper's signature legacy in this sorry regard was first encouraging, and then promoting, the political career of Kellie Leitch - who, in turn, repaid her patron's largesse with unrivalled zealotry and loyalty.
During last year's election campaign, Leitch fronted the unveiling of a Harper-approved "tip line" for reporting so-called "barbaric cultural practices" - a thinly disguised, bureaucratic euphemism for Islam.
And, today, as a prominent and popular Conservative leadership candidate, Leitch keeps channelling her former boss's odious modus operandi while attending a "freedom rally" stuffed with avowed Islamophobes who are convinced Motion 103 is an Islam-inspired plot to undermine Canadians' rights and freedoms.
"It's great to be in a room full of severely normal people tonight," Leitch told the adoring crowd. "Canadian values are not fringe, and together, I know, we are going to fight for them."
Leitch is Harper without the filter.
Cheering her on is an equally hysterical mob of largely right-wing journalists who have pounced on Khalid and her motion, chomping at the bit of Islamophobia while insisting, unconvincingly, that their objections to Motion 103 are motivated solely by their oh-so-sincere concern that it would grant one religion "special status" over all others.
Khalid put an emphatic lie to this transparently spurious reasoning after rising in the House of Commons to read out a sampling of the relentless torrent of hate, death threats and Islamophobia she has endured in the days since proffering her motion.
She has been called a "terrorist" and a "camel humping" "scumbag" who should be shot by a "Canadian patriot" or deported "like a disgusting piece of trash." She has advised her staff not to answer the phone and to lock the office door behind them.
Undeterred, Khalid rightly excoriated the remnants of Harper's Conservative caucus for its "cynical, divisive tactics … to try to start a fake frenzy around the word Islamophobia, instead of tackling the issue at hand."
So, the next time you're inclined to praise or even consider moving to Canada because it's allegedly a welcoming haven from the bile and divisiveness in the age of Donald Trump, it might be best to remember these obscenities before you act on your impulses.
Andrew Mitrovica is an award-winning investigative reporter and journalism instructor.
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.

Nigerians in S Africa 'living in fear' after attacks

Nigerian community in South Africa calls for protection after reports of renewed 'xenophobic' violence in Pretoria West

Members of Nigeria's community in South Africa have raised concerns over renewed anti-immigrant violence, appealing to authorities to intervene before the situation gets out of control.
Nigeria's presidency on Monday called the South African government to step in to stop what it said were "xenophobic attacks" following recent reports of violence against Nigerians and other nationals in the capital, Pretoria.
The Nigerian Union in South Africa (NUSA) on Tuesday confirmed that Nigerian homes and businesses in Pretoria West had been attacked in several late-night incidents in recent days.

"Homes and shops of Nigerians were targeted and looted in the events of past few days," Emeka Ezinteje Collins, national public relations officer of NUSA, told Al Jazeera, citing at least 10 such attacks.

He added: "Our people and other foreigners are apparently living in fear of the unknown as the hoodlums have promised" more attacks from Friday, when a group called the "Mamelodi concerned residents" is reportedly planning to hold a march against foreign nationals.
NUSA also said that some of its members had received threatening phone calls asking for payment to protect their houses and businesses.
"We have also received reports from our members of receiving threatening anonymous calls requesting that money be paid to avert destruction of their properties," Collins said.
"We implore the South African and Nigerian authorities to intervene early and save the situation before it spills out of hand."

'Angry residents'

South African police said on Tuesday at least 20 shops possibly belonging to immigrants were looted in Pretoria overnight, but they could not confirm if the attacks had deliberately targeted foreigners.
"There are allegations that these shops belong to foreign nationals," police spokeswoman Brigadier Mathapelo Peters told the Reuters news agency.
"It is alleged that the community members are saying that these shops were used for drug dealing but that is unconfirmed. We will only be able to start a formal investigation once the shop owners come forward."
Anti-immigrant violence has flared sporadically in South Africa against a background of near-record unemployment, with foreigners being accused of taking jobs from locals and getting involved in crime.
"We are sick and tired of foreigners who are coming to sell drugs and kill our people, we can't let the community go down like this," a n unemployed man in his mid-twenties, who declined to be named, told Reuters.
The attacks in Pretoria West come a few weeks after residents in  Rosetenville, a suburb in Johannesburg, reportedly torched properties belonging to Nigerians and other foreigners which allegedly were being used for drug dealing and human trafficking.
"The Rosetenville unrest is replicating in Pretoria West," the African Diaspora Forum said in a statement last week.
"Those who are living in the area are advised to be careful. Cars and houses are set alight by angry residents claiming to get rid of drugs and prostitution. No-one has been arrested after two houses were set alight, various homes raided by Pretoria West community members."

'Dire consequences'

Abike Dabiri-Erewa, the Nigerian president's advisor on foreign affairs and the diaspora, said on Monday the South African government must take "decisive and definitive measures to protect Nigerians and other African nationals" within its borders.
She also called on the African Union to weigh in on the violence, adding: "Further attacks without any reprimand may have dire consequences".
Dabiri-Erewa said there was a need for the continental body to "intervene urgently", claiming that in the last two years "about 116" Nigerians had been killed, including 20 last year.
"This is unacceptable to the people and government of Nigeria."
There was no independent verification of the claimed number of deaths.
According to NUSA, there are about 800,000 Nigerians in South Africa, many of them living in Johannesburg.
The community was hit badly by the wave of xenophobic violence that hit the country in April 2015 but South African police said only seven Nigerians died.
An independent watchdog has said 640 people died from police brutality or in custody in South Africa.
In April 2015, Nigeria recalled its top diplomat in South Africa to discuss the anti-immigrant attacks that sent hundreds of foreigners fleeing to safety camps, as authorities sent in soldiers to quell unrest in Johannesburg and Durban.
Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies